Over the weekend Andy Poon, the concept artist for "Arrow," "The Flash" and "Legends of Tomorrow," revealed his designs for the villainous speedster Zoom.

Zoom is arguably "The Flash's" strongest villain to date, as he not only took away Jay Garrick's speed, but also brutally injured The Flash by breaking his back and leaving him for dead.

As you can see in the concept art below, Zoom's black suit is wrapped tightly around his body. His face and mouth still can't be seen -- only his glowing blue eyes. His black claws can also be seen in the concept art, as well as the alternate Flash symbol on his chest.

Concept of #zoom for @CW_TheFlash ,costume by Maya Mani. #DCComics @TonyTodd @ComicBook @CBR @bleedingcool pic.twitter.com/Oz7lZfSoE3- Andy Poon (@andypoondesign) December 6, 2015

Poon not only developed the look of Zoom with costume designer Maya Mani, he also helped design Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

"The Flash" airs Tuesdays on The CW at 8/9C.