Over at the 4thletter!, David Brothers points out this thread on The V Hive from last month, in which Justice League writer Dwayne McDuffie talks very briefly about his work on the book:

Dwayne McDuffie: I wrote a scene set at their gravesite that I recently had to quickly rewrite into something not very good.

Matthew Murray: Do you actually enjoy writing JLA? It just seems to be constant editorial rewrites and bad art.

McDuffie: No, I don’t.

Between the crossovers and "events" like the return of the Tangent and Milestone characters, McDuffie's run on the book has been bogged down with more stunts than an Evil Kneivel highlight video. And the reviews haven't been kind. It's a shame, as we know from his work on the animated Justice League, McDuffie can tell great Justice League stories. It's just too bad he's having to do it with a hand tied behind his back.