X-Men: The Animated Series brought many beloved mutants to life over the course of five seasons. However, the producers had to change one of their heroes' original names due to a DC hero.

Producer/director Larry Houston discussed during a Wizard World virtual panel how Marvel lawyers asked him to change Morph's original name. "We wanted to call him Changeling, but the lawyers said no because that was one of the characters from the Teen Titans," Houston said. "And even though Marvel had done it first, the lawyers said, 'No, just find another name.' So that's where we came up with Morph."

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Changeling was the code-name of Garfield Logan, who is now better known to fans as Beast Boy. Logan has the ability to shapeshift into different animals due to a blood transfusion he received as a child. Morph is based on a Marvel character named Changeling who can also shapeshift and is best known for serving on the dimension-hopping team of mutants known as the Exiles.

In X-Men: The Animated Series, Morph was killed during a mission in the second episode. However, he was later resurrected by Mister Sinister. Houston said that he was supposed to stay dead. "A successful [animated] show back in the '90s was either Scooby-Doo or Super Friends ... We were trying to do something different, we wanted to do something unique."

(Via Comicbook.com)

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