• A confusing aspect of Rogue's character is whether the X-Men hero speaks French. 1 / 8

  • When we first returned home, it didn't seem like she was from a French-speaking area. 2 / 8

  • However, in X-Men/Alpha Flight #2, Chris Claremont confirmed that Rogue grew up speaking French. 3 / 8

  • In her spotlight on her past in Classic X-Men #44, though, there was no French. 4 / 8

  • Same with a Rogue's past spotlight in Marvel Fanfare #60 (by X-Men editor, Ann Nocenti). 5 / 8

  • Then Claremont left X-Men and Rogue dated French-speaking Gambit, without her mentioning she spoke French. 6 / 8

  • Even when Claremont returned and paired the two togethey, they didn't speak French together. 7 / 8

  • Finally, in Rogue and Gambit #2, we saw Rogue specifically did not understand French. 8 / 8