The X-Men have been through a huge change lately. With the establishment of the new mutant nation of Krakoa, even their long-time enemies have become friends. Mutants are working together in a way they never have before. However, just because everyone is friendly now doesn't mean that all is forgiven. Of all of the X-Men's antagonists, two stand head and shoulders above the rest- Magneto and Apocalypse.

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For years, Magneto was Xavier's dark shadow- a mutant supremacist every bit as racist as the humans he hated. Immensely powerful, his threat was as much ideological as physical. Meanwhile, Apocalypse is the ultimate Darwinist, believing in survival of the fittest to an insane and genocidal degree. To say that both are formidable foes for the X-Men from both a literal and intellectual standpoint would be an understatement. Today, we're going to look at why each could be considered to be the X-Men's greatest villain.

10 Apocalypse: "Only The Strong Survive"

When it comes to power, Apocalypse is second to none. He's incredibly strong, has complete control over his molecular structure, can manipulate vast amounts of energy, and he even has telepathic abilities. He's been alive for millennia and is empowered by a Celestial Seed, giving him armor that is nearly impenetrable by most means.

In fact, Apocalypse is so strong that he almost knocked Thor's head off with one backhanded blow. Apocalypse can take on teams of heroes by himself and barely breaks a sweat.

9 Magneto: He's The Mutant Master Of Magnetism

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants on the face of planet. His ability to control magnetism makes him a world class threat. Ferrous metals are a huge part of humanity and their lives. Every piece of it is under Magneto's control. He can take apart building without breaking a sweat and use the metal skeleton as a weapon.

His control over magnetism is so fine that he can control the iron in people's blood. He can freeze people in place or stop the blood circulating around their bodies. There are few who can stand against Magneto if he wants to end a fight quickly.

8 Apocalypse: The Corruption Of Angel

During the Mutant Massacre, Angel was captured by the Marauders. They tortured him and tore his wings off. Despondent, Warren tried to kill himself by crashing his plane but was rescued by Apocalypse. Apocalypse made a deal with him: work for him as the Horseman of Death and Apocalypse would make him more powerful than he ever was.

Apocalypse was true to his word. He gave Angel metal wings and Warren took on the name of Archangel. For years, he fought against Apocalypse's programming and eventually failed, becoming Apocalypse's heir and trying to destroy humanity. Even though Apocalypse was dead at the time, his plans still bore evil fruit.

7 Magneto: He Was A Nuclear Power

Once upon a time, to show he meant business, Magneto sank a Soviet nuclear submarine. You know, as one does. Years later, he pulled the wreckage from the bottom of the ocean and removed the nuclear missiles. He used them to hold the world hostage, again as one does if one is named Magneto.

By doing this, Magneto joined a very exclusive club- he was a nuclear power in the world. Sure, he stole them, but that made him no less dangerous. He was so dangerous that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States had to launch a special weapon to attack Magneto's Asteroid M.

6 Apocalypse: He's Empowered By The Celestials

Apocalypse began his life in ancient Egypt. Eventually, he was able to find technology that belonged to one of the most powerful races in all of the galaxy- the Celestials. Empowered by a Death Seed, he became a part of the Celestial plan, being tasked by them to prune away the dross of humanity and make the race stronger.

Over the years, he fulfilled this role with aplomb. It was even revealed recently that he was responsible for a genocide that almost destroyed the human race.

5 Magneto: He's The First Mutant Leader

Magneto was fond of threatening to reverse the planet's magnetic poles. It's such a scary threat because, well, he can do it and everyone knows it. One time, he made this threat and the U.N. caved. As per his demands, he was given control of an entire nation: Genosha.

Magneto turned Genosha into a new homeland for mutants. However, it was one based on his own mutant supremacist beliefs, making it a threat to humanity. It would eventually be destroyed in a Sentinel attack but for a time, Magneto ran an entire nation devoted to his evil ideology.

4 Apocalypse: He Leads The Horsemen

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Apocalypse isn't a threat just because he's immensely powerful. He's also a threat because of his servants, the Horsemen of Apocalypse. The roles are always the same- War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death - however, the mutants who fill these positions are always different.

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No matter who joined Apocalypse's ranks, The Horsemen are a terrible threat to the X-Men. Apocalypse on his own is bad enough but with the Horsemen by his side, he is an even greater force to be reckoned with than he'd usually be.

3 Magneto: He Leads The Acolytes


Apocalypse usually has to manipulate his Horsemen in some way. Whether it be bribery or mind control, Apocalypse's Horsemen rarely choose to join him without some kind of coercion. Magneto has also led groups of mutants against the X-Men, but the difference is that they choose to be on Magneto's side.

Case in point, The Acolytes of Magneto were a group of powerful mutants who believed wholeheartedly in Magneto and would die for him. He was even able to lure Colossus, the most unflappable of X-Men, to his cause for a time.

2 Apocalypse: He Always Wins

What makes Apocalypse so dangerous is that in the end, he wins. Take Cable's future, for instance. Thousands of years in the future, Apocalypse rules the world. No one can stand against him. It's so bad that Cable had to go back in time to stop this future from happening. Similarly, look at the Age Of Apocalypse: an alternate universe where Apocalypse is able to take over the world because Xavier didn't form the X-Men in time.

The point is that Apocalypse is inevitable. He's able to play the long game and grow and grow in power, allowing him to destroy all who stand against him.

1 Magneto: His Greatest Threat Isn't Just How Dangerous His Powers Are

Magneto has always represented a dark mirror to Xavier's dream. Magneto has seen the worst humanity has to offer, having grown up in Holocaust. He knows that given a chance, humanity would do the same thing to mutants what the Nazis did to his fellow Jews. He will do anything to stop that.

Magneto isn't exactly evil; he's just willing to go to any length to ensure the survival of the mutant race. This is why people follow him- because they believe in him, same as Xavier. His dream is violent, but he's proven right time and again. His threat to the X-Men goes beyond what he can do to the team. There will always be mutants who will follow Magneto.

NEXT: X-Men: The 10 Most Important Magneto Stories, Ranked