The first seven pages of this issue had me questioning if I had picked up an issue of "Wonder Woman" or "Green Lantern Corps," as this story starts out with three Green Lanterns investigating the decimation of a planet. That planet was laid waste by serpents, as the sole survivor (who looks like a cross between a bunny, a cat, and Mogwai) relays the details to the GLs. Over the course of the revelation to the Green Lanterns, the threat rises up once more.

As it turns out, that set-up is necessary to comprehend the threat descending upon Earth, targeting Washington, D.C. and, therefore, setting a collision course with Wonder Woman. Simone went to great lengths to identify and define the threat, but the threat as it is just doesn't feel as massive as it should after the set-up.

Part of the discrepancy in scale is the direct result of the tag team effort on art. Nicola Scott and Fernando Dagnino share the penciling duties on this book, and it is far from the strongest work I've seen from either artist. There isn't a distinct break between the two artists' work, nor is there a subtle flow of one to the next. Wonder Woman is identifiable throughout, but the rest of the cast is shifty and not clearly defined. This murkiness of character spreads all the way to the main antagonist, who seems to hop through three different scenes in the span of three pages. The antagonist isn't the only character hopping from place to place, as Steve Trevor suddenly finds himself transported to the bedside of his wife after wandering the streets with Diana. The dialog tries to cover Trevor's leap, but in the hospital scene, he is clearly settled in, reading a book and all.

Behind the eye-catching cover, this is a sloppy issue of a book that I had come to really enjoy once more over the past few years. I can appreciate the disconnect between writer and artist when an artist is new to a book, but for this issue to be released in this state just seems poorly planned more than disconnected.

Gail Simone has truly put a lot into the story of "Wonder Woman," and I hope to be able to enjoy a few more issues from her once again. This issue isn't one of them.