If the just-announced Pokémon augmented-reality game lives up to even a fraction of the promise of the debut trailer, we'll soon be dodging Pokémon Trainers on our way to work and the supermarket, or else joining them in the fun.

Inviting us to "Imagine Pokémon in the real world," The Pokémon Company has partnered with Nintendo and Niantic for Pokémon Go, a game for Android and iOS smartphones that will allowplayers to track down and capture the pocket monsters outside, in real settings.

Paired with a Bluetooth-powered, Poké Ball-like device called Pokémon Go Plus, worn on the wrist or clothing, Pokémon Go will notify players that there's untamed Pokémon in the vicinity (sort of like Tinder or Grindr, only for Pokémon). Once you've spotted the pocket monster using the AR app, you'll be able to throw a virtual Poké Ball to catch the creature.

Players will also be able to engage other Pokémon Trainers in battle.

While Pokémon Go will undoubtedly prove popular with kids, the trailer leaves little doubt as to the target audience of the game: the children of the '90s. Pokémon Go arrives sometime next year.