Naughty Dog is famous for producing masterpieces. However, The Last of Us Part II may be the studio's first title that some gamers consider to actually be bad. Even before the game released on Friday, people's opinions on the sequel began to sour once more information surrounding the plot had leaked.

Although initial scathing opinions coming from people with no context could be ignored, now that gamers have had a chance to play all the way through The Last of Us Part II, the shockingly low user scores can no longer be overlooked. Despite receiving a wealth of critical praise from various reputable outlets, it seems the gaming community at large has a very different opinion. But why exactly has The Last of Us Part II proved to be so divisive?

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Some of this can be attributed to bots and a vocal minority of homophobic gamers review-bombing The Last of Us Part II for including a strong, visible LGBT lead in Ellie. However, the full story is far more complicated. When looking at specific low user reviews, a few primary criticisms emerge.

Just as was the case with the leaks several months ago, the majority of people's complaints lay with the direction of the plot and how the overall narrative was handled. More specifically, some players take issue with the new character, Abby. Some who have completed the game found her to be poorly written and difficult to empathize with, and that her presence in the game is mishandled.

Many have taken issue with the writing more generally, saying the game's cast behaves unrealistically and that the same characters would have never been made in the first game. These gamers have complained about the "laziness" of the story's premise, feeling it's simply an inadequate follow up to its predecessor. With revenge motivating the entirety of the game's plot, some feel the nuances and understated dramatic moments of the first game have been foregone in favor of a more played out tale of vengeance and its negative impact on those who seek it.

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Reviewers and players alike have also criticized the game for its bleak outlook, which seems to revel in its gruesome depictions of violence and societal decay rather than treating such things as subtle ways to enhance the narrative. Other players have vocalized their disappointment with the lack of any substantial advancements in gameplay. Though the sequel implements new game mechanics, such as avoiding dogs and the abilities to go prone and jump, the moment-to-moment gameplay largely stays the same and even begins to wear thin for some over the course of the game's 25- to 40-hour campaign.

Then, there are the criticisms that have less to do with the game and more to do with Naughty Dog itself. The developer has faced criticism for its harmful workplace environment and "crunch-culture" in which employees are expected to put in long hours before a game launches, something that has had a negative affect on them. The plot leaks were initially believed to have come from a disgruntled employee, although this was later found to be untrue.

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While some players have given legitimate reasons for disliking the game, that doesn't explain why there's such a wide disconnect between critical and user reviews. This can, at least in part, be attributed to negative review-bombing. Of course, not all of negative the user reviews can be attributed to people who are trolling, angry at Naughty Dog or didn't actually finish the game, but many were posted in the first half day or so after launch, which isn't enough time for players to have fully experienced the entire campaign. The game has around 30,000 user reviews on Metacritic from its launch weekend alone, a number that most games simply don't receive. In comparison, the first game's PlayStation 3 release has accumulated about 2,000 reviews since it released in 2013, and its PS4 remaster from the following year has under 1,700. This doesn't negate the actual arguments being made in some of the user reviews, but it does indicate that the overall score itself is skewed.

Regardless of player criticism, The Last of Us Part II is undeniably an artistic achievement to behold. The game is graphically stunning to a level that is unmatched by most of its competition, as is the physical and voice acting. And while some players' criticisms of the game and its story shouldn't be dismissed, that doesn't mean that no one will appreciate it. In the end, all positive and negative reviews are someone's opinion, and while you may be able to measure how you'll enjoy something based on what others have said, the only way to know for sure is to play it yourself.

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