Trapped in a Dating Sim was a brand-new isekai anime title of the Spring 2022 anime season, set in an otome game world where relationships and giant robots are equally vital for protagonist Leon Bartfort's success. Leon found himself reborn in this game world as the third-born son of a minor rural noble, and the odds are stacked against him. Nonetheless, he won't give up.

The whimsical plot of Trapped in a Dating Sim follows Leon as he makes up his own adventures as the new hero, but even after all his wild adventures, plenty of lingering questions remain, and there are some mysteries that don't yet have answers. Fans of the Trapped in a Dating Sim anime want these questions answered right away, and perhaps everything could be resolved in a potential second season.

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How Did Marie End Up In The Isekai World?

Marie hiding behind arm

Trapped in a Dating Sim made it clear that Leon died and got reborn in this otome game world when he fell down the stairs, but the circumstances of his sister's rebirth are not so clear. Leon soon deduced that the petite Marie was indeed his little sister from their life in Japan, but Leon and the viewers alike can't tell how or why Marie ended up here. It's possible that she also died in an accident like her brother, but there's also a chance that Marie got herself isekai'd on purpose. After all, it seems as though Marie's life in Japan was a bitter disappointment, and perhaps she wanted to start over fresh in this game world by using her meta-knowledge to get ahead. Marie is in no mood to explain this to her rival Leon, but flashbacks in a possible Season 2 might shed some light on this ongoing mystery.

Why Did The Principality Of Fanoss Attack?

princess Hertrude

Later in Trapped in a Dating Sim, Leon was onboard an airship with all his classmates for a field trip when the airship came under attack. The enemies were not Stephanie Offrey's hired sky pirates but the navy of the Principality of Fanoss. This small but tough nation was determined to attack the Holfort kingdom and even take hostages from among the students, and it fell to Leon, Angelica and Olivia to save the day. The Fanoss characters such as Gelatt and Princess Hertrude suggested that this was a show of strength, but more questions remain. What is the principality's ultimate goal? Is this truly just a show of strength, or is the principality after something more specific, such as the Saint artifacts? Or perhaps the Fanoss forces wanted to gain something that Trapped in a Dating Sim fans haven't even seen yet.

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Who Will Leon Eventually Marry, If Anyone?

Trapped in a Dating Sim: Will Leon Marry Angelica Someday?

Despite his obnoxious attitude and unpopularity with the girls at his school, Leon Bartfort is serious about finding a worthy wife and settling down with her as a background mob character. So far, Leon has two solid prospects, those being his friends Olivia and Angelica Redgrave. There's no guarantee that Leon will marry either of them, but he could try, and he stands to gain plenty from it. On one hand, Olivia is definitely in love with Leon and looks up to him, and she has no fiancé or other complications of note. On the other hand, Angelica is a kind-hearted himedere with many connections and a great deal of confidence, and she even broke things off with Prince Julius. If Leon is careful, he might be able to wed either of these girls and get his happily ever after, but he's got a long way to go, even if nothing goes wrong.

Will Marie Return As A Major Threat Later?

marie artifact

In early episodes, Marie was a serious threat to Leon since she had the heavily-armed Julius and the other boys on her side, but after Leon demolished the five boys in the mech combat arena, Marie largely faded into the background. Even with her meta-knowledge and the loyalty of Julius, Marie soon became a comic relief character who was no real threat to Leon any longer. In a possible Season 2, it can be hoped that Marie will return as a vengeful villain to spice things up, and she might even make use of that Saint artifact she was seen wearing in Season 1's final episode. Marie is too intriguing a character to simply relegate to comic relief status.

Will Olivia Become The Saint?

Olivia Saint mode

Halfway through Trapped in a Dating Sim, Leon realized that it was Olivia's destiny to become the Saint -- a heroic magical girl who could save the kingdom and restore peace to the land. Few other details of Sainthood are clear, but Leon does know that he and Olivia must collect the three artifacts to awaken Olivia's Saint status. However, finding them won't be easy, and Leon doesn't even know where or how heavily protected they are. Worse yet, the scheming Marie has one of those three artifacts, and there's no way she'll just hand it over to Leon and Olivia. Somehow, Leon must retrieve those artifacts and help Olivia realize her destiny -- if she's ready for it. And what will Olivia do once she becomes the Saint? Which enemies will she have to fight? For now, these questions likewise remain tantalizing mysteries.