Oddly enough, Marvel superheroes tend to give each other nicknames on top of their normal superhero names, and even odder, quite often, they involve the word "head." Here are the top five examples of "head" nicknames of Marvel heroes.


5. Buckethead

This is a nickname for Nova.

This is because his costume had a helmet that looked like a bucket.

Marvel heroes aren't the most creative when it comes to nicknames.

4. Hornhead

This is a nickname for Daredevil.

This is because his costume has a mask that has horns on it.

Marvel heroes aren't the most creative when it comes to nicknames.

3. Winghead

This is a nickname for Captain America.

This is because his costume has a mask that has wings on it.

Marvel heroes aren't the most creative when it comes to nicknames.

2. Webhead

This is a nickname for Spider-Man.

This is because his costume has a mask that has webs on it.

Marvel heroes aren't the most creative when it comes to nicknames.

1. Shellhead

This is a nickname for Iron Man.

This is because his helmet is like a shell.

I guess that's a bit more clever than the other ones, no?

That's why he's #1

Okay, that's the list! Agree? Disagree? Let me know!