Despite being such a great series, Fire Force continues to be massively underrated, and it's actually pitiable. The characters are awesome and relatable, and the plot is incredible, to say the least. The animation is top-notch, and it really makes the fight scenes exhilarating and jaw-dropping.

RELATED: Fire Force: 5 Ways Arthur Should Have Been The Main Character (& 5 Shinra Was Perfect)

The series tells the story of Shinra, a boy who lost his mother and brother in a fire. In his quest to find his mother's killer, he got tossed into a much bigger scheme than he could imagine. Now, he's fighting to save the entire world — or at least what's left of it. In many battles in the series, there came a time when exhaustion wasn't an excuse to give up, especially when there was a lot at stake.

10 Shinra's Battle With Sho Was Truly Nerve-Wracking

Fire Force - Shinra fighting with Sho

Shinra lived twelve years of his life believing that both his mother and brother died in a fire. Later, he learned that his brother Sho was alive and working for the enemy. Shinra already drew the conclusion that he'd have to fight his brother and fans looked forward to the epic brother-vs-brother battle.

The fight was one-sided for the most part but, despite being exhausted and battered, Shinra refused to give up and was determined to bring his brother home with him. Shinra's willpower alone kept him going until he found a way to keep up with Sho in the fight and turn the tables on him.

9 Benimaru Pushed Shinra & Arthur To The Brink But They Came Back

Fire Force - Shinra covered in blue flames

Benimaru is rightly named the mightiest pyrokinetic of them all because of how much firepower he can unleash in a fight. He was strong enough to easily overwhelm Shinra and Arthur in a fight, two fire soldiers who are by no means weak. He was trying to teach them about hysterical strength, which is the ability to keep fighting even when the body wants to give out.

Benimaru's brutal training nearly made Shinra and Aurthur get tephrosis, a deadly deficiency that results from the overuse of pyrokinesis. Just as they were about to black out, they tapped into their hysterical strength and stood back up, their bodies emitting intense blue flames.

8 Konro Used His The Last Strength He Had To Take Down A Demon Infernal

Fire Force - Konro emitting flames from his shoulders

During a massive fire outbreak, infernals popped up all over Asakusa and the town's fire brigade responded quickly. Konro and Benimaru put so many infernals to rest, and as a result of using so much power, they both were exhausted and about to get tephrosis.

RELATED: 5 Ways Fire Force Is Atsushi Ohkubo's Best Series (& 5 It's Soul Eater)

A demon appeared at the worst possible time and Konro decided to face it alone, so he pushed Benimaru out of the fight. Konro used an insanely powerful technique known as Crimson Moon to take out the demon infernal. Konro used up all his juice in the fight and got tephrosis as a result.

7 Shinra's Battle With Hibana Put A Company Captain's Power Into Perspective

Fire Force - Shinra creates fire with his feet while Hibana points her hand-fan at him

Shinra ran into company five while he was attempting to put an infernal to rest. They were unfriendly, especially their Captain, Hibana. She was a pompous young woman who treated people like garbage. Shinra had a little skirmish with them before the rest of his Company came and stopped him, but it was far from over.

Special Fire Force Company 8 eventually raided Company 5's base looking for information about the solution to spontaneous human combustion. They were met with heavy resistance and Shinra had his hands full dealing with Hibana. She gave Shinra a more difficult fight than he'd bargained for but Shinra was able to fight through the pain and exhaustion to land the decisive blow.

6 Lieutenant Hinawa's Fight With Arrow Was Stunning

Fire Force - Hinawa in his glowing uniform, aiming down the sights

In this labyrinth of the Nether, Company 8 went up against the powerful White-Clad to bring them down. After getting separated, Company 8's lieutenant went up against a White-Clad member known as Arrow, who can make arrows out of fire. Hinawa has the power to control heat and easily increase the power and velocity of his bullets, making an ordinary gun shoot like a canon.

Hinawa got exhausted in this epic shootout, but he wasn't done yet. With the final strength he could muster, he pulled his trigger once more and increased the power of his shot so much that his gun was shattered. He used Arrow's flames as a velocity booster for his bullet, and he took her down with the shockwave alone.

5 Ogun Showed How Powerful He Truly Is When He Fought Tempe

Fire Force - Ogun with fiery stripes all over his body

While on a mission to investigate the cause of The Great Cataclysm, Shinra and his friends came across a lot of infernals in an oasis. They fought back and put several of them to rest till all that was left was their leader, a demon infernal.

Shinra tried to find a way to defeat him while Ogun bought him some time. Ogun put up more of a fight than anyone thought he could. For a short while, Ogun was capable of putting out almost as much heat as Captain Burns of Company 1. Ogun's back-to-back combos really drained his energy, but he just kept going.

4 Shinra's Fight With Charon Was Epic

Fire Force - Shinra kicks Charon's face

Charon proved to be too much for Shinra to handle when they fought each other. Viewers were shocked to see that Charon was so strong, and before long, it was obvious that Shinra couldn't win. Despite the overwhelming odds, Shinra kept fighting and trying to find a way to win, yet Charon kept standing no matter what Shinra threw at him.

RELATED: Fire Force: 5 Ignition Abilities Stronger Than Shinra's Devil's Footprints (& 5 Weaker)

Shinra finally found a way to turn the tables and even managed to knock Charon down. This was not easy by any means, as Shinra gave it everything he got just to unleash an attack that put a scratch on Charon. Charon would eventually stand back up and knock Shinra down again.

3 Charon Saved The Entire Tokyo Empire

Fire Force - Charon holding up a blast

While a three-way battle ensued between the White-Clad, Company 8, and Haijima Industries over a boy named Nataku, Haumea, a member of the White-Clad with the power to manipulate brain waves, caused Nataku to have a mental breakdown that made his powers go berserk. Despite everyone's efforts to run to safety, it was all too obvious that escaping the blast would be impossible.

Scared of losing the people the White-Clad so desperately wanted, Charon pushed past his limit and used his power to stop an attack that could have wiped out the Tokyo Empire. He reflected the attack to the moon, leaving a crater five hundred kilometers wide and certifying his place as one of the strongest characters in the series.

2 The Special Fire Force Gave Their All To Put Out A City-Wide Fire

Fire Force - The Fire Force prepares for battle

The White-Clad orchestrated the outbreak of a great number of infernals that caused a lot of fires that quickly spread and were about to become a city-wide catastrophe. The Special Fire Force Companies reacted quickly and did their best to keep the fires under control while simultaneously battling infernals everywhere.

Things took a turn for the worse when a demon infernal showed up, which are usually the most difficult to defeat. It took the combined effort of every Fire Company present to defeat a demon infernal, which Benimaru and Konro could do single-handedly. This was no easy feat, as everyone involved was worn out from the constant fighting.

1 Shinra Deflected Arrow's Arrow To Save Benimaru

Fire Force - Shinra attempts to kick away a fire arrow

During the White-Clad's attack on Asakusa, Companies 8 and 7 worked together to fight fires, infernals, and the White-Clad. Benimaru was occupied fighting a Demon infernal, but he was spotted by Arrow when he decided to take the battle to the sky to avoid blasting the town to smithereens.

Arrow promptly attempted to shoot Benimaru down. Shinra refused to let that happen. He took action immediately, flying at supersonic speed to intercept the arrow. Deflecting the arrow was harder than it looked and Shinra had to give it all he had to push it away.

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