In the 35 years since the original Predator release, few series have come close to being such a cultural phenomenon. The franchise has since gone on to have comic books, video games, and other horror sci-fi films altogether, such as with the Alien franchise, creating a crossover so unique that the two worlds now completely intertwine.

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Despite the many projects since the franchise's debut, nothing has been as well regarded as the original — until Prey hit streaming services summer 2022. Prey takes every successful element of the Predator franchise and cranks it to eleven, making it one of the most well-regarded prequels of all time, ensuring it is an entry to the series that viewers do not want to miss out on.

10 The Time Period Gives Prey A Unique Twist

Naru is shocked over Predator sighting in Prey.

The most pivotal decision of the Prey film is the time in which it takes place. Prey is set in 1719, and it takes place in the Northern Great Plains.

Being set three centuries ago, fans get to bear witness to the Yautja alien they are familiar with, but in a period that is much less technologically advanced for both Predators and the Comanche humans the film follows. In the end, humans still prove to be a worthy adversary to the hunter, but the choice to set Prey in the past shows viewers how it's humanity that is a dangerous game, not just the weapons they carry.

9 The Feral Yautja Strikes Fear Into Viewers

Yautja holding wrist shield in Prey.

Whether on screen or in other media, the Predator franchise has shown viewers countless mutations and different iterations of the Yautja race. The appearance of the film's main Predator is a high point for many viewers, as it's the most unique on-screen hunter thus far.

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The feral Predator has a larger mouth, different skin and hair, and sports a more primal mask. All of these choices not only add to the intimidating features of the hunter, but they also show how the Yautja adapt to different environments and diets. Despite his less advanced weaponry, it still greatly surpasses what humans have, instilling fear into anyone who lives to tell the tale.

8 Prey's Visuals Are Unmatched

Naru prepares for a Predator showdown in Prey.

Between the unique period and natural land of the region in which the film takes place, many fans commend director Dan Trachtenberg on the visual elements of the film. Previous teams who have worked on the Predator franchise returned to work on visual effects in Prey, giving it a sense of familiarity for viewers despite all the changes to the setting while providing much-needed upgrades.

While the blood and viscera shown throughout Prey were abundant, it was believable and graphic enough for audiences to suspend disbelief and feel as though they were bearing witness to the acts on screen. Plus, the Predator's use of cloaking added a layer of intrigue.

7 Instinct & Ingenuity Are Front & Center In Prey

Prey brings mud back to conquer the Yautja Predator.

The focal point of Prey's story shows how much learning and pure instinct have to be showcased to truly be a predator. Despite the feral predator or the film's main character, Naru, not having modern weapons, they both use instinct and resourcefulness to take down their prey.

Throughout Prey, Naru is the only one who investigates details that mean life or death, and she even faces off with a bear. When many people's flight or fight instincts would tell them to run, Naru's instinct and intelligence give her the ability to adapt and fight without the reliance on technology the way films later in the timeline do.

6 Prey Has Balance Between Action & Story

Naru walks through the woods with the dog, Sarii, in the movie Prey.

Films from later in the Predator franchise vacillate between storytelling and action. While some fans would enjoy a movie that consists of just battle, a truly compelling Predator film displays a moving story, tension, and action. The characters throughout Prey are easy for fans to get attached to, especially given the instances where Naru has to interact with other humans who aren't friendly.

Every facet of Prey's story ties directly into the next portion of the action. This pacing makes it so fans cannot look away, or else they might miss a detail that Naru found for her next face-off with the Predator.

5 Prey's Cultural & Historical Details Are Pivotal To Deeper Storytelling

Prey had the Predator killing Naru's brother, Taabe.

In the aftermath of Prey, many fans found that the film was watchable with a Comanche dub, and it's regarded as the superior version of the film. The importance of the language used in the film was considered well before filming, and writer Patrick Aison has said that the project took upwards of five years just to get off the ground.

The team consulted with numerous Comanche experts to stay true to the culture and even included details that were going to be excluded for accuracy, such as horseback riding. Naru's aversion to traditional gender roles is also mirrored in deeper Yautja lore, as female predators are rarely depicted, but they are often the most fierce and cunning of warriors.

4 Prey's Setting Leaves Fans Wanting More

Prey had the Predator killing French fur trappers.

Prey's release has many fans begging to see the Yautja in different regions and eras of time. The film's setting has left a mark on viewers, and the possibilities it introduces are endless. The American film industry has often depicted Native tribes as savage and unruly, wherein Prey showcases the Comanche and the Europeans in a different (more historically accurate) light.

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The French voyageurs are clearly antagonists in the film, and fans feel vindicated when they meet their demise after capturing Naru. This dichotomy and the various interactions with the Predator make many fans want more historical iterations of the franchise.

3 Prey Shows Why Humans Have Always Been A Commendable Foe

Wasape's crew prepares to go to war in the movie Prey.

More dedicated fans are likely to see the similarities between Comanche and Yautja traditions when watching Prey for the first time. Similar to the "Ku̵htaamia" rite of passage that Comanche warriors must go through, the Yautja have "Blooding" rituals. With the Comanche tradition, the warrior has to hunt something that has hunted them. In the blooding ritual, the Yautja hunt and paint their face with a Xenomorph's acid blood.

The similarities between races do not end here, but they do showcase the predator tendencies in both species, showing similar values and ways of thinking. The ingenuity and cunning humanity holds are a one-up on the Yautja, forever giving them a fair fight against more advanced weaponry.

2 The Fights & Ferocity Delivered

In an image from Prey, the Predator roars with rage as it burns alive.

The action and strength portrayed by the film's Yautja will make or break any Predator film. Prey delivers on all fronts, giving fans several high-intensity moments. This film's Predator has proven to be one of the most brutal on-screen Yautja warriors, slaughtering two groups of humans, and even gutting a bear on screen.

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There isn't a moment where viewers forget about the risk of the Predator being around the main characters. Every scene he is in is filled with tension reminiscent of the first entry to the series.

1 Prey Understood The Thrill Of The Hunt

Prey brings mud back to conquer the Yautja Predator.

Prey is a story about what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted. Naru spends the entire film studying the feral Predator, learning with every new interaction until eventually she outsmarts it and puts it to an end.

Prey shows the Predator as it hunts various wildlife as a new visitor to Earth, but most of the time it shows Naru observing him. Prey is a story all about the hunt, and what being a predator, and a warrior, is truly about. It's not only about brute strength — it's about having the intelligence to know what to do in battle.

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