Comparing mythologies and their similarities has always been an interesting challenge. Unfortunately, there’s no direct one-to-one ratio for zodiac signs, which are all based first in Babylonian astrology, then in Greek Mythology.

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Marvel comics has a couple of Zodiac-based heroes and teams, with minor villains or characters that use the iconography. But applying the Zodiac signs to some of the most well-known Marvel mythologies can be a fun and informative exercise. Using the Marvel characterizations of the Asgardian gods and goddesses, the Zodiac can apply to all mythologies, even fictional ones.

12 Aries: March 21 - April 19 - Sif

Aries are defined by their courage and passionate attitudes, along with negative traits like being short-tempered or aggressive. They are always energetic and speedy, sometimes to a detriment.

The Lady Sif is the warrior-goddess sister of Heimdall. As the best female warrior in Asgard and a fierce warrior, she certainly fits the bill. As a fierce fighter, and a fellow fire-sign to her lover Thor, she will always speak her mind and lead the way with her sword and tactical prowess.

11 Taurus: April 20 - May 20 - Heimdall

Taurus signs are known for their reliability, responsibility, and patience. Unfortunately, a side effect of their temperament can be a tendency towards stubbornness and an uncompromising nature.

The Taurus sign is represented by the eternal guardian of Asgard Heimdall. A stalwart presence amongst the Asgardians, Heimdall one of the main constants in the shifting alliances and presences in Asgard. An eternal and inflexible friend to Thor, he stands for stability and stubbornness in all its forms.

10 Gemini: May 21 - June 20 - Loki

Loki Speech Bubbles

Gemini are known for being gentle, curious, and adaptable, with a side effect of sometimes seeming inconsistent and indecisive. Their creativity and quick wit are highlights of this sign.

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Loki is a natural avatar for the Gemini star sign. What’s more adaptable than a shape-shifting sorcerer who changes allegiances almost as much as he changes his looks? A naturally creative soul, Loki represents the creativity in every Gemini, something that should become apparent with his upcoming Disney+ Series.

9 Cancer: June 21 - July 22 - Volstagg

Tenacity, loyalty, and emotional are the best words to describe a Cancer. Although they can sometimes be moody and insecure, Cancers wear their hearts on their sleeves.

And who better to represent the emotional Cancer than Volstagg the Valiant, the most outspoken and loyal of the Warriors Three. Volstagg is the most stalwart of Thor’s friends, reveling and enjoying every activity he takes part in.

8 Leo: July 23 - August 22 - Odin

There’s a reason Leo’s traits are so often associated with kings. Creativity, passion, warm-hearted, and generous, with a dark side of arrogance, stubbornness, and self-centeredness, Leos are truly people of extremes.

Odin fits all of the above like a glove. His somewhat inconsistent characterization in the comics come from the reality of being a ruler - he must be arrogant and stubborn, while also showing his kingly side towards his subjects in his passions and generosity.

7 Virgo: August 23 - September 22 - Hogun

Loyalty, practicality, and analytical best describes the water sign Virgo. Sometimes verging on shy, the Virgo can sometimes be overly critical of herself and others, too focused on work rather than play.

Who, then would be the perfect foil for his fellow member of the Warriors Three but Hogun the Grimm? A silent and practical warrior, he is one of the best Asgardian fighters, a master horseman and loyal friend, as well as a tactical combatant.

6 Libra: September 23 - October 22 - Balder

Balder Snow Sword Cropped

Libras tend to be the great balancers of any group of people. They are cooperative and diplomatic, fair minded and social. Sometimes, this can veer into indecisiveness and a tendency to avoid confrontation.

One of the only members of the Asgardian race not to make it into the Marvel films, Balder the Brave tends to be an important member of any Thor story he takes part in. Thor’s half-brother is beloved by all, a fair minded friend and a valiant warrior in his own right.

5 Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 - Hela

Helo from Marvel comics

Scorpios tend to get a bad rap in the Zodiac signs - something that stems from being associated with a scorpion. Scorpios are resourceful, passionate, and brave, loyal to a fault, though the flip side of these aspects can sometimes lead to jealousy, secretiveness, and violence.

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Hela is the daughter of Loki from a previous incarnation of the universe, before the last Ragnarok. Appointed the goddess of death by Odin, she frequently appears as a villain in Thor’s comics, often trying to extend her reign and jealously take control of all dead.

4 Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 - Thor

Copiel Thor Hammer

Sagittarius signs are typically generous, with a great sense of humor. They often promise too much, can be impatient, and will always speak their minds.

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Thor at the beginning and current phases of his superhero career fits the Sagittarius perfectly. What’s more generous than being one of Earth’s mightiest heroes, willing to put his life on the line for others? He does not suffer insults or injustice kindly, and sometimes overestimates his abilities. Thor's relatability crosses all barriers.

3 Capricorn: December 22 - January 19 - Fandral


Capricorns are the perfect examples of self-control and discipline. They are typically responsible, and can sometimes come off as condescending know-it-alls.

Fandral the Dashing comes off initially as a swashbuckling adventurer, the Eroll Flynn of the Marvel Universe. He’s one of the best swordsmen in the universe, the picture of bravery and optimism, and quite the ladies’ man.

2 Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 - Valkyrie

Valkyrie sword Cropped

Aquarius signs tend to be independent, original, and progressive. They can sometimes come down on the negative side of originality, coming off as temperamental or uncompromising. They also tend to be aloof.

Valkyrie occupies a unique position in the Asgardian lore: she is the strongest of Odin’s shield maidens, responsible for ferrying the dead to Valhalla. As such, she is drawn to death, and can perceive when one’s time on Earth is coming to an end - the perfect reason to be a bit removed from others.

1 Pisces: February 19 - March 20 - Frigga

Frigga is Thor's mother in the MCU and Marvel Comics

The last of the signs, Pisces tend to be artistic, compassionate, intuitive, and wise. Sometimes this can manifest itself as a deep sadness, brought on by being overly trusting at times, or fearful.

Frigga, Thor’s step-mother, is the picture of selflessness. When Surtur invaded Asgard, it was Frigga who was put in charge of keeping the children safe, escorting them away from the danger through the realms. She is a source of comfort and wisdom for all Asgardians.

NEXT: Which DC Hero Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?