Although Jacob Newman can't catch all of the more than 700 species of Pokémon, he can write a song for each of them. Or so he plans to.

The 24-year-old folk punk artist, aka Jacob Norman Chainsaw-Arm, already has a good start, as he's released a digital album called 100 Songs for 100 Pokémon, which contains tributes to the likes of Bulbasaur, Pumpkaboo, Charmander and Ivysaur (arranged according to Pokédex numbers, naturally). Just 600 more to go!

"It sort of began as I improvised a line about Bastiodon," Newman tells Mashable. "As it developed, the theme of the song was: 'Bastiodon is my least favorite character, but I still like it, because I love all Pokémon.' I can use this as a metaphor for loving someone who is flawed quite heavily."

You can follow Newman's progress on his blog A Song for Every Pokémon.