WARNING: The following contains spoilers for There's Someone Inside Your House, now streaming on Netflix.

In Netflix's There's Someone Inside Your House, Makani (Sydney Park) and her crew are blown away by the shocking revelation that the slasher in the small town of Osborne, Nebraska, is actually one of their own. The person has been murdering teens from their high school while releasing their darkest, most intimate secrets online to expose how two-faced everyone is. However, as the plan plays out, the movie reveals a major problem with its villain.

The finale reveals it's Makani's friend, Zach, who's killed the jock, Jackson, the racist, Katie, his capitalist dad, Skipper, and the addict, Rodrigo. He even comes close to killing Makani, as he hates how she changed her identity after a hazing incident where she almost burned a girl alive.

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Zachariah kills everyone in Netflix's There's Someone Inside Your House

However, there's no real motive to Zach's plan, which makes it feel pretty inconsistent. Rodrigo, for example, took meds and got addicted to pills to cope with an abusive home, so it doesn't make sense Zach would kill his buddy. Sure, Zach wants to purge the town of the bad seeds, but Rod isn't one of them. Moreover, Zach eventually tells Makani that, while he wants to cleanse the town, he still wants to enjoy his privilege and entitlement in the form of Skipper's inheritance. But this doesn't add up because he chides his dad for being a white supremacist, not wanting to end up like him.

It's a strange double standard, with it initially seeming like he hates Nazis, showing classmates what his dad has done using the Third Reich to generate wealth. But going from woke to a spoiled brat seeking power and control is contradictory and washes away any semblance of character development Zach had.

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Ollie is vilified without reason in There's Someone Inside Your House

Finally, the movie never clarifies his plan to frame Makani. He wants to pin Skipper's death and all other killings on her in the cornfield in the finale, but seeing as he tried to kill her before, it feels like he's winging it as he goes along. In fact, Makani surviving his attack and then finding him and his dead dad is nothing more than sheer, dumb luck. This paints Zach as a fraud who doesn't know what he's really about.

See how Zach's plan falls apart in There's Someone Inside Your House, now streaming on Netflix.

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