• On last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, Negan sought out the Whisperers… 1 / 8

  • …on this week’s episode, Negan is taken to their camp. 2 / 8

  • Beta wants to kill him but Alpha instructs Beta to test him instead. 3 / 8

  • Negan must dig a hole, skin walkers, and kill a pig. 4 / 8

  • Negan’s proud of his work but Beta’s unimpressed. 5 / 8

  • When Negan tries to smooth things over while they walk with a herd of walkers… 6 / 8

  • Beta sets the walkers on him and leaves. 7 / 8

  • Somehow Negan prevails and finally meets Alpha at the end of the episode. 8 / 8