Okay, so this is what we're going to do for the month of August.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting three iconic panels a day until August 24th.

At that point, you folks will have about a week to pick your Top 10 panels out of the 70 options. I'll tabulate the votes, and on August 31st, I'll post the Top 70 Most Iconic Panels in Marvel Comics History, to celebrate Marvel's 70th Anniversary (which I believe they're suggesting is specifically this month).

In the meantime, feel free to send in suggestions (to cronb01@aol.com) for what panels I should pick as the seventy choices that folks can choose from (I initial considered not including "full-page splashes" in the definition of panel, but never mind, I'll allow full-page splashes count as "panels" - as for the definition of "iconic," basically think of the panels that instantly pop into your head when you think of Marvel Comics - those will be the "iconic" panels)

Here's the first panel, from Amazing Fantasy #15...

And here is the master list of all panels posted so far!