In addition to his wrestling accomplishments, his acting ability and his comedic chops, perhaps the thing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is best known for is the People's Eyebrow. The facial expression of the most charismatic man in sorts entertainment histry has become so iconic, all the actor/wrestler has to do is arch his eyebrow on screen, and audiences go nuts. In fact, it's such a part of his persona, Disney animators added the look to the repertoire of his "Moana" character, the Polynesian demigod Maui.

So when The Rock posted a video on Instagram hyping a contest between himself and his "Moana" co-star Auli'i Carvalho, it's understandable that fans might have expected him to soundly defeat his young challenger. But like the best Hollywood stories, what may seem to be an unfair contest turns into a battle for the ages -- in the world of facial expressions, at least.

"Dwayne and I are here, and we have a little bet. That I, being the main character of 'Moana,' I can do the People's Eyebrow," states a confident Cravalho. "And... I can do it better."

"Ha, yes," the Rock rejoins. "Auli'i, which I appreciated she's very confident, but she thinks she can do my thing [Laughs] -- my signature thing better than me, which is impossible."

Cravalho kicks the contest off with an impressive display of the Rock's iconic facial expression. Johnson is quick to reciprocate in kind, throwing in a little signature trash talk to boot. Then... well, let's just say this this is when things get interesting. Rather than spoil it for you, go ahead and watch the big finale in the video below.

Now that this 'feud' is settled, who do we have to talk to in order to see a People's Elbow challenge between The Rock and his "Fast 8" co-star, Vin Diesel?

Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker (“The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “The Princess & the Frog”), the CG-animated film follows the adventurous teenager Moana (newcomer Auli’i Cravalho) as she sets out on a daring mission across ancient Oceania to save her people. On her journey, she meets the once-mighty demigod Maui (Dwayne Johnson), who guides her on her quest to become a master wayfinder, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds along the way.

Disney's “Moana” arrives in theaters Nov. 23.