The Marvel Comics company has successfully created interesting characters that can explore the far reaches of the universe, and they have also told compelling stories of local vigilantes that take to the streets at night to fight crime. These local vigilantes can be just as heroic as the caped superheroes, and although they may not have as powerful supernatural abilities, they are not afraid to leap into action.

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The Punisher has been an iconic vigilante who is known to brutally stop his enemies by any means necessary. Similar to the PunisherMoon Knight also takes a bloody and painful approach to stopping crime. Both heroes are fearless and aren't afraid to punch or shoot their way out of any situation. No matter their differences, both characters are highly skilled vigilantes that have earned their place in comic book history.

10 Strategist (The Punisher)

Frank Castle served his time in the military, and after tragically losing his family, he has decided to take to the streets to stop criminals and get his revenge in brutal fashion. With his military experience, The Punisher brings a high level of strategy to his fights. By carefully planning out his strategy, Castle is able to outsmart and take on his enemies with precision.

By doing his research beforehand, The Punisher seems to always be one step ahead in combat, giving him a huge advantage even when he is drastically outnumbered. His use of strategy makes him one of the best vigilantes Marvel has introduced.

9 Mercenary (Moon Knight)

Marc Spector also served in the military prior to becoming Moon Knight. After his time in the military, Spector was a mercenary, honing his skills in combat as he went around the world. Because of his line of work, when Spector became a masked vigilante, he was already highly skilled in combat.

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Moon Knight is not afraid to make his fights bloody and take the criminals down with skill and precision. All of his training allows him to beat guys hand to hand or disarm them if they have weapons to even the odds. all of his training and history are on full display as he leaps into any situation.

8 Relentless (The Punisher)

Fueled by revenge, Frank Castle is willing to go to great lengths to stop his enemies. When he puts his mind and his skillset towards a particular goal, there is no one that is going to stop this ruthless vigilante. At one point, his biggest adversary had been arrested and was put into jail. Feeling like that was not enough justice, Frank Castle got himself arrested so that he could be face to face with his enemy, even in jail.

There is no limit to how far Castle will go to get the revenge he is after. This relentless attitude makes him a highly effective vigilante.

7 Fearless (Moon Knight)

Moon Knight is one of the most fearless vigilantes in all of comics. Dressed in all white, Marc Spector dives headfirst into any fight, even when he is greatly outnumbered. His costume and fighting style is a direct challenge to the criminals he is up against.

The white outfit is specifically chosen so that his enemies can see him coming. Not only is Moon Knight fearless, but he also enjoys causing his enemies to fear him. His reputation precedes him, so when his enemies see the white cape coming their way, they are right to be afraid of what is coming.

6 Firepower (The Punisher)

As one of the more resourceful superheroes, The Punisher has no shortage of firepower. No matter the fight, Frank Castle is always armed to the teeth. Whether it is explosives or firearms, The Punisher uses any weapon he can to fight the criminals he is up against.

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Because of the firepower he brings with him, it is no surprise that this vigilante shows no mercy. In one of the more brutal storylines, Frank Castle used explosives on a public bridge to catch a single bad guy. While he is not needlessly violent, Castle definitely does not hold back when it is necessary.

5 Madness (Moon Knight)

Marc Spector definitely is not the most mentally stable character in the Marvel universe. While he is alone with his thoughts, Moon Knight has developed multiple personalities that he frequently talks to. Greatly influenced by the ancient god Khonshu, Marc Spector often loses touch on who is real and who is not. This certain insanity helps shape the character and gives him a motivation to fight crime.

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Because of his particular personality, Marc Spector is not the best team player, but it gives him an edge when he is rushing into a dangerous situation. Because Moon Knight also has hallucinations from time to time, all of his stories are a trip that readers easily get wrapped up in.

4 Unorthodox (The Punisher)

Frank Castle is always one step ahead of his enemies, and he is always ready to do the unexpected. The Punisher never shies away from riskier methods of training and fighting. At one point, Frank Castle trains and utilizes polar bears to catch his enemies completely off guard. The unorthodox method pays off for him, despite the risks.

Castle is always one step ahead by planning out his attacks meticulously, and in the end, his approach is unique and it gives him the edge in any fight. He is able to take on other heroes like the Hulk, only by using an unorthodox method, he gains an advantage against adversaries that have superhuman abilities.

3  High Tech (Moon Knight)

Moon Knight is not the best team player. He prefers to take to the streets fighting crime on his own terms. Despite being left to his own resources, Marc Spector plenty of tech and resources that he uses to stop criminals on his own. Similar to the famous DC character Batman, Spector uses gadgets and at times he has even used advanced armor to help him in combat.

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He carries with him multiple moon-shaped throwing knives, which he uses to disarm his enemies during a fight. With his own signature vehicles that he travels in and his own gadgets he has mastered, Moon Knight is definitely one of the most stylish vigilantes fighting crime.

2 Honorable (The Punisher)

Despite being brutal in his methods, Frank Castle has always had a code of honor that he stands by. He only goes after the criminals that have earned his punishment, and he will not fight those that he has respect for. At one point, The Punisher and Captain America were on opposite sides of a fight amongst heroes. Captain America had Frank Castle pinned to the ground, challenging Castle to hit him back.

The Punisher refused to hit Captain America because he had too much respect for the hero, and it went against his code of honor. This level of respect shows that Frank Castle's brutality has a specific purpose.

1 Avatar of Vengeance (Moon Knight)

One of the weirder aspects of Moon Knight is his ties to the ancient Egyptian god Khonshu. This ancient god is the god of vengeance and justice. At one point, Marc Spector presumably died during a mercenary mission in Egypt, and Khonshu resurrected him to be his own avatar. Acting as the avatar of vengeance, Marc Spector is frequently channeling the spirit of Khonshu as one of the personalities he regularly interacts with.

This weird backstory makes Moon Knight a truly unpredictable fighter, and it drives him to never give up in a fight even when the odds are against him. He has turned this strange situation into an advantage, making him an unstoppable force against criminals and villains.

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