The Office is still being watched for the first time and re-watched again despite it being nearly two decades since its premiere. The show was and still is such a massive hit, with a huge fan base and immense popularity. It is no wonder that the show went on for over 200 episodes, and its style and format continue to be so singular and fresh.

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Many of the jokes have still kept their freshness, too, as they’re still quoted to this day and continue to trend on social media platforms. Fans might’ve heard these jokes a million times, but it doesn’t stop them from still being surprising, and they were certainly a shock at the time of release.

10 Michael Covering Up His Terrible Actions

Meredith, played by Kate Flannery, with her head shaved sitting in conference room in The Office

One of Michael's biggest mistakes as regional manager of Dunder Mifflin was accidentally running Meredith over with his car. It is a serious scenario in "Fun Run" that is rendered hilarious by Michael's response to it.

At first, Michael phrases things in such a way that makes the rest of the office believe someone else ran Meredith over, and he was just a witness. In a very funny twist, he reveals to everybody that he was able to witness things and call the ambulance so fast because he was in the car and behind the wheel.

9 Kelly's Birthday Party By Dwight & Jim

Sabre presentation from The Office with Dwight and Jim.

Dwight and Jim are heads of the party planning committee in "Lecture Circuit," but forget about Kelly's birthday and therefore fail to plan a party for her. And it is absolutely astounding what they come up with.

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When Jim walks into the conference room, Dwight has a poster that reads, "It is your birthday," and has barely blown-up brown balloons placed around the room and on the walls. Dwight isn't known for his understanding of social conventions or parties, but it is unbelievable and hilarious that he would think what he did was acceptable.

8 Gabe's Attempt To Date Val

Gabe speaks on the mic while Erin, Michael, and DeAngelo watch in The Office.

Gabe comes to Scranton from Florida, as Sabre took over Dunder Mifflin. Gabe has many strange moments and quotes on the show, as he is presented as an odd figure who couldn't let Erin go when she dumped him, and overall doesn't mesh with the Scranton office very well.

Down the line, in "Doomsday," Gabe has a crush on Val from the warehouse. They had the shortest conversation, where Val looked thoroughly uncomfortable, before Gabe went to Toby to officially declare their relationship to HR. Toby asks Gabe if he even knows Val's last name, to which Gabe retorts that he will find out when she is screaming it tonight. This encounter is unfathomably bizarre, with Toby questioning, "She's going to be screaming her own last name?"

7 Kevin Spilling His Chilli

Kevin Malone, played by Brian Baumgartner, holding money and looking smug in The Office

One of the most iconic jokes in the entirety of The Office is in Season 5, during the episode "Casual Friday." Kevin made his homemade chili and spent hours and hours on it. He brought it into the office to share, only to drop it all over the floor.

It is a really shocking moment, but not altogether surprising considering Kevin's character. He lacks understanding and coordination. It is a classic moment of disbelief from Kevin, even though he is carrying a giant pot of food and isn't being particularly careful.

6 Michael Following The Satnav Into A Lake

Steve Carell as Michael Scott in The Office.

Michael was always a determined character, firmly believing that his office is the best place to be and Dunder Mifflin paper company is the greatest company out there. So, in Season 4, when clients begin taking their business elsewhere, Michael and Dwight are determined to bring them back.

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It is a truly unreal moment in "Dunder Mifflin Infinity" when Michael follows the satnav on the way to visit a client so close to the letter that they end up driving into a lake. Despite Michael's history of doing wild and disastrous things, somehow, this is a shock and is as ridiculous as it is funny.

5 The Username On The Dating App

Michael Scott on Casino Night in The Office.

Michael's goal in life has always been to be surrounded by people, with a wife, many children, and an abundance of friends. This is proven in a TV interview he brings into the office in Season 2 during "Take Your Daughter To Work Day," causing the children and adults alike to feel sorry for him.

As a result, Michael signs up for a dating site. He's an eccentric person and isn't suited to be with an average person. However, he is kind and generous and good, so it shouldn't be difficult for him to find dates. Michael shoots himself in the foot, though, when he gives himself the username "littlekidlover" on the site, and it becomes clear why he might still be single.

4 Creed & Robert Asking "How Old?"

Nellie Bertram sitting at her desk and talking in The Office

In "Angry Andy," Nellie swoops in and takes over Andy's job while he is in Florida, winning back Erin. Of course, Nellie refuses to give up the manager position when Andy returns, pushing him into a very difficult position. Nellie later finds out from Dwight that Andy was unable to perform sexually with Erin, and of course, Nellie goes to the extreme with this information, putting on a presentation about impotence.

Nellie expresses that she has been with much older men, and they have always been able to perform. This is when Creed and Robert California both quickly butt in and ask, "How old?" They're both older gentlemen and are clearly testing their luck with Nellie. The fact that they're Nellie's options, however, is not likely to thrill her, and it is an incredibly amusing moment.

3 Michael's Many Vasectomies

Michael Scott and Jan Levinson argue in 'The Dinner Party' The Office US show.

In a terrible turn of events for Jim and Pam, the couple end up having to attend a dinner at Michael's condo with him and Jan. Andy and Angela are invited, too, and then, out of jealousy, Dwight shows up with his old babysitter as a date.

Jan and Michael make everybody uncomfortable with their arguments throughout "Dinner Party," including a particularly bad one in which Michael reveals he has had three vasectomies. Jan kept changing her mind, and Michael kept having the procedure done and then reversing it. This is a really eye-opening scene, as fans knew their relationship was bad, but not to this extent. It seems unreal that Jan would go to such lengths, but then again, it is Jan.

2 Dwight's Massive Betrayal

Dwight from The Office.

Dwight betrayed Michael in the worst possible way in "The Coup." Not only does he go behind Michael's back, claiming he is unfit for the manager role and attempting to steal his job, but Dwight goes to Jan, Michael's boss and lover.

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Dwight claims he was attending the dentist, and Michael manages to trick him into uncovering his lies. It is very comical how far the lying goes, escalating from Dwight saying his dentist is called Crentist all the way to Michael pretending that Jan has given Dwight the manager position, only to reveal he knew all along. It is a wonder to fans how any work actually ever got done throughout all of the jokes in The Office.

1 Creed's Stolen Identity

Creed Bratton from The Office talking to the camera, with Stanley in the background

Creed doesn't have many scenes or lines on the show, but he sure is a scene-stealer when he does. He has these hilarious moments, usually in the one-on-one interviews, where he spills some random harrowing details of his life.

In Season 5, during the episode "Crime Aid," Creed says: "Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name? Creed Bratton." This is initially a very humorous line, delivered perfectly, before the dawning realization that Creed's name isn't Creed. He stole someone's identity, which is a serious offense, but only one more to be added to the list of others he has mentioned throughout the show.

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