WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Ma, now in theaters.

Ma positions itself early as a slow-burn thriller as it peels back the terrifying layers of the seemingly kindly Sue Ann. However, as the plot advances, and her attempts to achieve the popularity and respect that eluded her in high school become more deranged, deaths begin to pile up. More aspects of her life and her madness are illuminated, explaining her mental break.

While Sue Ann (Octavia Spencer) may not kill everyone she intended to, there's still a lot of carnage left in her wake.

A Story About A Girl


After a couple of weeks partying with Sue Ann, affectionately known as "Ma," in her basement, Maggie and her friend Haley begin to notice some creepy aspects to her, and decide to investigate. Exploring her house, they learn Sue Ann attended high school with their parents, and obsesses over the past. They also uncover that Sue Ann actually has a daughter, Genie.

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Genie appeared only briefly early in the film, as the girl in a wheelchair whom Maggie helps during the first week of school, and then disappears. However, it turns out that Genie can walk. She tells them that she's incredibly ill, or at least that's what her mother tells her; that's why she's been pulled from school. She's spent most of the film locked in her room upstairs.

Fearing Sue Ann's wrath if she finds the girls, Genie tells them to make their escape. Sue Ann heads out for the night, and is confronted by Ben, who knows his son has been partying at her house. That's the match that lights the slow-burning powder keg. She quickly dispatches Mercedes, her former bully and Ben's girlfriend, with her car, and lures Ben to her home so she can drug him. When he awakens, she threatens to mutilate him before deciding instead to slit his wrist. Ben bleeds out on her bed, and Sue Ann sets up one final basement party.

Worst Party Ever

Luring Maggie back to the house, Sue Ann puts her final party into effect. After they drink the punch drugged by Ma, all of the core group of teens except for Maggie passes out. So, Sue Ann uses a syringe to knock her out. By the time Maggie regains consciousness, Sue Ann has tied chains around the throats of the teens to prevent them from straying. She then burns Chaz with an iron before using it to bash in Ashley's head. Darrell's face is painted white, while Haley's lips are sewn shut. After killing an investigating police officer, Sue Ann stabs Andy with a butcher knife and places a rope around Maggie's neck, intending to hang her.

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But Genie finally strikes back against her mother, and lures Sue Ann upstairs so she can strike her with a frying pan. That knocks out Ma, but also ignites a fire in the basement. Genie frees Maggie, who in turn releases the others as they regain consciousness. The doors to the basement are thrown open by Maggie's mother Erica and her co-worker Stu. Ma attempts to drag Genie back into the fire with her, but Maggie stabs Sue Ann and saves the girl. The film ends with Ma making her way upstairs, and cuddling against Ben's body as the flames consume the house.

Directed by Tate Taylor from a script by Scotty Landes, Ma stars Octavia Spencer, Juliette Lewis, Diana Silvers, McKaley Miller, Corey Fogelmanis, Luke Evans, Dante Brown and Allison Janney.<