The following contains spoilers for The Devil is a Part-Timer! Season 2, Episode 7, now streaming on Crunchyroll.

In the previous episode of The Devil Is a Part-Timer, demon king Sadao Maou discovered that disaster had struck the demon realm he left behind when he arrived in Japan. In this episode, Maou learned that his former subjects had split into factions, and he had the chance to resolve their dispute and unite demonkind once again. The series has plenty of battles against threats from the other world, such as protecting Maou's daughter Alas Ramus from Gabriel, but none have directly confronted Maou's past life as demon king as much as this one.

Maou's trusted chancellor Camio had brought with him a mysterious sword that turned out to be Maou's severed horn, cut off by the hero Emi Yusa. This allowed Maou to temporarily regain his former identity of Demon King Satan, and he, Shiro Ashiya and Hanzo Urushihara started to resemble the dangerous forces of nature they were when they were first introduced.​​​​​​ ​This made the episode a nostalgic return to an era of The Devil Is a Part-Timer! lore when Maou was a fearsome figure, before his responsibilities to his job, friends and daughter softened his character.

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Emi-as-Emilia bears her sword in The Devil Is a Part-Timer!.

After Camio had explained the divisions in the demon realm, a demon army emerged through a portal on the beach where the gang had been working. Emi took on the greaves, gauntlets and silver hair of her own otherworldly alter-ego, Emilia Justina, as she battled the demons. She took pains not to kill her demon opponents, justifying the decision to a confused Alas Ramus, who had taken the form of her sword.

It is always welcome for fans to be reminded of Emi's badass side given how frequently she is embarrassed in the show's more comedic scenes, but this callback to her days as a legendary hero also draws attention to how much her character has developed since then. Emi even took a moment to admit to herself that she may be going soft. Perhaps Maou's stories about demon suffering have caused her to look more kindly on demonkind, even as she proves she hasn't forgotten her prowess as a fighter.

As Emi dueled Ciriatto, a representative of the violent demon faction, Maou revealed himself to their army. He appeared in his muscular demon form, which hadn't been seen since Season 1, with Ashiya and Urushihara flying by his side. Ciriatto didn't recognize his king, and Ashiya called out the demon's lack of deference, with Maou adding, "If you have an excuse for this, let's hear it." It was surprising to see Maou reinforcing his royal authority like this again -- it's hard to imagine him talking to a MgRonalds employee in such a commanding way -- and it was a reminder of the world-dominating aspiration that made him such a unique protagonist to begin with.

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The demon Ciriatto beholds Ashiya-as-Alciel, Urushihara-as-Lucifer, Emi-as-Emilia, Maou-as-Satan and Camio in The Devil Is a Part-Timer!.

In a moment of comic relief, the awed Ciriatto struggled to find an appropriate title to call Urushihara that didn't sound like an insult. Urushihara is actually a capable fighter, having single-handedly defeated Olba Mayer in Season 1, Episode 12, but this gag reinforced how he has shifted to the sidelines since getting a reputation as Maou's lazy roommate. The dialogue may have emphasized Urushihara's shortcomings, but his imposing appearance alongside the others as he finally got to spread his wings again shows that he hasn't completely lost his edge.

After Ciriatto explained his case and bowed in apology, Maou sent him and his army back home through the portal, even telling Ciriatto that he didn't want to punish him and making him Camio's aide. Has Maou become more benevolent like Emi, or did he only show mercy to Ciriatto as a subject and fellow demon? Maou's army killed their opponents during his reign as demon king, Emi's father among them, but since coming to Japan, Maou has let opponents such as Sariel live in peace upon defeat. This, along with Maou's closing words about wanting to rule rather than destroy humans, might imply the former.

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Maou also sent Ciriatto away with the message that the demon king was alive and cultivating power in another world, and that he had Emi’s sacred sword in his possession. At this, he grabbed Emi within his cloak, misrepresenting their uneasy alliance as if she were merely his prisoner. Maou essentially pantomimed his former ruthlessness, his hatred and fear of Emi having faded since their battle on Ente Isla in Episode 1. This contrast reinforced his character development, and the way his quest for power has shifted from a brutal conquering ambition to a desire to lead humans and demons because he respects them.

Season 2, Episode 7 reminds fans how fearsome the cast of The Devil Is a Part-Timer can be when they wish it, but it also shows how far they've come. Maou, Emi and the others found a peaceful solution while making it clear they were still capable of fighting to defend themselves. If Maou really does want to rule both worlds, he'll need the same balance of power and compassion.

The Devil Is a Part-Timer! hits Crunchyroll in the West every Thursday.