Every day in April I will be featuring a humorous comic (either an issue or a series of strips) that I found particularly amusing. Feel free to e-mail me at bcronin@comicbookresources.com the comic stories that are your favorites when it comes to hilarity, and I'll see if I can't feature some of them this month, as well!

Today we look at Mark Andrew Smith and Marcelo Di Chiara's take on the odd similarities between the origins of superheroes regarding the relative health (or lack thereof) their parents in an amusing one-shot titled KILL ALL PARENTS!!

In this cute superhero spoof, we see what the superheros of the world do on Father's Day (click on the double-page spread to enlarge)...

they go visit the graves of their parents, as practically all of their parents are dead!

However, what if this was not just some weird coincidence? What if having dead parents is what MAKES you become a superhero?

So what if the government is secretly killing parents of would-be superheroes to push them down that path?

And what if a janitor discovers this?

Well, then you would get this...

As to how it resolves itself, well, you'll have to read the comic.

It is a fun little take by Smith and the art by Di Chiara is strong, as you can see above. I particularly admired the boldness of coming up with a "done in one" comic book one-shot (not a graphic novel, a one-shot) in today's comic book climate.

[NOTE: I featured this comic in a Year of Cool Comics - BC]