The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been crossing over to multiple dimensions since the original cartoon series. They've been to the world of the Neutrinos, they've met up with Archie Bunker and the gang, and they crossed over into the DC Universe to fight alongside Batman. But we've yet to see the Heroes in a Half-Shell take on the Marvel Universe in any shape or form.

Related: TMNT: 5 Marvel Heroes They'd Love To Team Up With (& 5 They Would Hate)

While we may see them take on the villains of Marvel eventually, they'd also have to contend with some of their greatest champions if they crossed over. So, if the two worlds were ever to meet, here are five Marvel Heroes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could defeat (& 5 they would lose to).

10 Would Beat: Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel wouldn't be surprised by turtles. One of her arch-enemies happens to be a mutated cockatoo man, so four radioactive turtles that eat pizza wouldn't even shock her. If anything, She and the Turtles would get along just fine and Geek out over Super Comics with Michaelangelo. But, if they were to get in a fight, poor Kamala wouldn't last too long. Not only is this a four-on-one fight, but each one of them is skilled in the ways of ninjutsu.

9 Couldn't Beat: Spider-Man

The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Spider-Man and the Ninja Turtles have a lot in common. They all got their powers from science, they're young crime fighters, and they can't help but stop making quips. But Spider-Man wouldn't have that much trouble taking out the Ninja Teens.

Related: The Shredder: 5 DC Heroes This TMNT Villain Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't)

Sure, Peter Parker isn't as well-versed in hand-to-hand combat as the Turtles, but the combination of his enhanced reflexes, his Spider-Sense, and his Super Strength would be more than a match for any of them.

8 Would Beat: Falcon

Falcon may be a former soldier, but that doesn't mean he'd be able to take on the Turtles. Sure, his costume has wings that allow him to fly and can throw blade-like feathers, but he's still just a guy. He's received military training, but it pales in comparison to the training of Ninjitsu. Even if Falcon took to the sky, Donnie would probably have something up his shell to deactivate his backpack or a gadget that would even the odds.

7 Couldn't Beat: Iron Man

Not only is Tony Stark one of the most beloved heroes in the world, but he's also a man of technology. Tony has a near endless armory of suits that can take on any challenge that presents itself for the Shell-Headed heroes. His standard armor alone gives him his trademark repulsor beams, but it also grants him enhanced strength and the ability to analyze each of the Turtle's fight patterns, allowing him to adapt and fight back. But, even without the latter, you think that some wood and knives would take down Iron Man?

6 Would Beat: Ant-Man

The super small hero has taken on a plethora of bad guys, but the Turtles have taken on their fair share of giant and sub-atomic villains.

Related: TMNT: 10 Most Pathetic Villains In Their Rogues' Gallery, Ranked

While it would be tricky, the Turtles would be able to team up and take down this size-changing hero. Be he big or small, Hank Pym or Scott Lang, Ant-Man wouldn't be able to take on the TMNT.

5 Couldn't Beat: Captain America

Cap is just a good guy. When America is in trouble, you know who to call. The guy is an expert in close combat and has enhanced strength and reflexes thanks to the Super Soldier Serum. If the Turtles tried to fight him with their trademark weapons, Cap could use his mighty shield to deflect all of them. But the real reason Cap would win is because of his determination. He's too dang stubborn to let his opponent get the upper hand, and even when the chips are down, he'll stand tall till the very end.

4 Would Beat: Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger from Absolute Carnage

Cloak and Dagger are a good dynamic duo. Cloak can teleport nearly anywhere he wants, thanks to the power bestowed on him by D'Spayre, and Dagger can create energy daggers. Together, they're almost unstoppable, but the Turtles have face plenty of dynamic duos, so it wouldn't be long before they used their wise-cracking catchphrases and Ninja Skills to put down these two worthy foes.

3 Couldn't Beat: Daredevil

If the Turtles couldn't beat Batman, what makes you think they'd last against another hero that Frank Miller helped re-invent? Sure, the Ninja Turtles are experts of the ancient Japanese art, but Daredevil is also pretty well-versed in their combat style.

Related: TMNT: 10 Things Fans Should Know About Venus, The Original Female Turtle

Not only has Matt Murdock learned Martial Arts, but he also has four enhanced senses to make up for the lack of eyesight. So, Daredevil could take them on and wipe the floor with our favorite mutant heroes. Also, Daredevil has taken on an army of Ninjas whenever he goes up against the Hand.

2 Would Beat: Hawkeye

Ultimate Hawkeye firing arrows

Hawkeye is the guy with a bow and arrow. To be fair, he's also an expert in CQC and has fought alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes to take down intergalactic threats. He's gone up against foes that were just as skilled as the turtles, but when they fight as one, Hawkeye won't stand much of chance against all four of them.

1 Couldn't Beat: Hulk

Hulk The End

He's big, green, and would crush the TMNT. Sure, the turtles have gone up against brawny bad guys like Bebop and Rocksteady, but those two are complete jokers, especially compared to the Incredible Hulk. The madder the Green Goliath gets, the stronger he becomes. He's Raph on Bane's Venom, but 10x worse. The Turtles wouldn't last a few seconds against the Hulk. Hell, Mikey would probably try to "calm" Hulk down, only to make him madder than ever before.

Next: Every TMNT Movie, Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes