"Teen Titans Go!" #1 cover

"Teen Titans Go!" will make the jump from animated series to digital comics this December, as announced Friday via The Hollywood Reporter.

Merrill Hagan and Sholly Fisch, who have both written for the TV show, will alternate writing duties on the comic. Ben Bates and Jorge Corona will illustrate the series, which will utilize DC Comics' proprietary "DC2" digital-only storytelling format.

Like the publisher's previous digital-first titles, "Teen Titans Go!" will be reprinted in a print edition, which will be released bimonthly. The comic is intended to mirror the comedic tone of the animated series, according to those involved.

"You need to write it at a couple different levels simultaneously, so there's something to appeal to the adults who're watching, but something that'll appeal to the kids who are watching too," Fisch said to The Hollywood Reporter. "They both end up laughing but not necessarily laughing at the same joke."

"The characters have been so amped up and their personalities are a little bit more extreme than before," Hagan said of the main cast, consisting of Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire and Beast Boy. "Robin has always been a perfectionist, but in 'Teen Titans Go!', you can see the psychological cracks in that make up and that he's kind of overly perfectionist."

This also marks an increase in DC's all-ages offerings, which currently include "Beware the Batman" and "Batman: Li'l Gotham." "Teen Titans Go!" debuted on Cartoon Network on April of this past year.