The Teen Titans is a fighting team from the world of DC comics made up of Robin, Cyborg, Beastboy, Raven, and Starfire. Robin is heavily connected to Batman since he was once Batman's sidekick. Cyborg is half human and half robot which allows him to use powers normal human beings don't have.

RELATED: 5 Reasons The Teen Titans Are The Best DC Teen Team (& 5 It's Young Justice)

Beastboy has the ability to morph into any animal he wants, be it a shark, a bird, a lion, or something else. Raven has the power of dark magic under her belt and she thrives in darkness. Starfire has superhuman strength and durability and she can also absorb energy in a way that other heroes can only dream of. These heroes are incredible! Here are some powerful fan art images of them.

10 Glowing Video Gamers

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Rossdraws drew the Teen Titans playing video games together on the sofa. What makes this particular fan art image so cool is the fact that each of the Titans is actually glowing. They are lined with a glowing aura rather than regular black lines which makes this fan art visually stand out compared to others. Cyborg and Starfire are both in control of the video game while their teammates are cheering them on.

9 Casual Titans In Regular Clothes

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Phil-cho chose to draw the Teen Titans in casual apparel rather than in their normal costumes. On a regular day, fans recognize the squad wearing what they usually wear to fight against their greatest villains. In this fan art image, they are dressed up for a chill day at the mall or a nice walk in the park. Beatsboy's Hawaiian shirt is especially adorable and Starfire's dress is super fashionable. 

8 Prison Lineup For The Titans

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DuckLordEthan drew the Teen Titans as if they were lined up and getting ready to get locked away in prison. The artist made sure to try and showcase their heights as accurately as possible. It is obvious that Cyborg is the tallest member of the group and this image depicts that flawlessly. Starfire, Robin, and Beastboy are all around the same height. Raven is the most petite member of the squad.

7 Beastboy & Raven: A Love Story For The Ages

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The artist who designed this adorably precious picture is named Larienne. They drew Beastboy and Raven together since they share a comic book love story that is really romantic to see.

RELATED: Teen Titans: How Beast Boy and Raven's New Romance Begins

In the animated series, the relationship between these two doesn't ever really get very far. In the comic books, these two actually fall in love with each other and explore their romance.

6 Robin & Starfire: A Match Made In Heaven

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Lxoivaeh drew Robin and Starfire together because everyone knows that these two are a match made in heaven. Sure, Robin has dated a lot of other women throughout his comic book history but his relationship with Starfire has always been one of the best ones to occur. These two work together to fight against their enemies alongside the rest of the Teen Titan squad and they spend alone time together as well.

5 Teen Titans Get Silly Sometimes

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Cheeks-74 drew the Teen Titans in a fan art image that is much sillier than most. The Teen Titans are often depicted in a more serious manner without smiles on their faces because they are ready to fight. The squad is always ready to jump into action at the drop of a hat, so seeing them with cute smiles on their faces while being playful is like a breath of fresh air. 

4 Raven & Starfire, Without The Guys

Raven and Starfire are the girls of the Teen Titan fighting squad. Dzydardrew the two ladies spending time together and looking very relaxed. The artist left out the guys (Robin, Beastboy, and Cyborg) in order to simply focus on the females. In this fan art image, the girls are ready for a normal day of friendship--- no major fights against any villains.

3 The Teen Titans Reimagined As The Opposite Gender

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TiaBlackRaven drew the fighting squad everyone knows and loves in a much different way than what people are accustomed to. The artist reimagined the members of the Teen Titans as opposite genders. Robin was turned into Robyn, Starfire was turned into Blitzfire, and Cyborg was turned into Ciby. Beastboy was turned into Beastgirl and Raven was turned into Crow. This fan art is super creative.

2 Starfire, The Stunning Alien Princess

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Dandonfuga drew Starfire all by herself because let's face it-- she is the Teen Titans group member who is easiest on the eyes. She is the most attractive member of the team and most fan art images of her show off the fact that she has really good looks.

RELATED: 10 Things Most Titans Fans Don't Know About Starfire

Starfire is known for being an alien princess, her ability to fly, and her relationship with Robin. She still has a lot more to offer than just those things.

1 The Teen Titans Springing Into Action

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The artist who drew this fan art image is named BreGothamArt. He or she drew the Teen Titans springing into action and heading off in all different directions to handle their business. The team works well together and always has each other's back and the artist made sure to give off that vibe within this artwork. Each member of the Teen Titans is important! This fan art image showcases each of their abilities.

NEXT: DC: 5 Reasons Why Teen Titans Go Is Better Than The Original Series (& 5 Reasons The Original Is Better)