The Future State comic book event was meant to act as adark future for the DC Universe. As such, DC Comic writers were tasked to allude or initiate major plot-points from Future State in the present continuity so that the two timelines could eventually sync into one. This would have culminated in the DC 5G Initiative, a reboot meant to replace the iconic DC Superheroes with new legacy characters. However, with the cancellation of this initiative and Future State being deemed non-canon, many storyline elements that were being established for Future State context were unceremoniously rectified.

As a part Future State, writer Tim Sheridan attempted to bridge both his Future State: Teen Titans comic series with his main continuity comic series; Teen Titans Academy. However, with Future State deemed non-canon and Teen Titans Academy being abruptly canceled after 15 issues, certain plot-points were unfortunately rushed or quickly resolved. Such is the case with the extreme character-altering transformation of Cyborg and Beast Boy into a singular fused entity known as Cybeast. A transformation which once had major character dilemma's had most of its complications resolved off-panel thanks to the magic of superheroine Raven.

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Cybeast Teen Titans Future State

Cybeast first appeared within the apocalyptic future of Future State: Teen Titans #1 (by Tim Sheridan, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Alejandro Sanchez and Rob Leigh) as one of the few Teen Titans survivors of the ambiguous destruction of the New York Titans Tower. Their appearance showed that they were struggling to balance the personalities of Beast Boy and Cyborg, resulting in highly juxtaposed mannerisms and constantly counteracting everything they say. Cybeast's fragile mind would ultimately allow the Horseman of War to possess him and turn him against the surviving Teen Titans.

Tim Sheridan later tried to connect Cybeast to the mainstream DC continuity by creating an origin for Cybeast's creation that could act to link the main continuity with the Future State storyline. During Teen Titans Academy #12 (by Tim Sheridan, Tom Derenick, Alex Sinclair and Rob Leigh), Cyborg and Beast Boy were crushed by the collapsing Titans Tower, resulting in both of them being in a critical condition. In an effort to save both, the Teen Titans attached the robotic parts of Cyborg onto the mutilated body of Beast Boy, saving half of both of them and merging their minds into a single entity. In Teen Titans Academy #14, Cybeast was left to cope with the aftermath, however, the cancelation of Teen Titans Academy forced Tim Sheridan to undo the Cybeast transformation.

The initial questioning about how Beast Boy could have a relationship with Raven with Cyborg's consciences in his mind created an interesting complication that could have led to fascinating storylines in future comic books. Cybeast struggling to even shave was also great moment to convey the new psychological dynamic that the fusion faces. But by Teen Titans Academy #15, the complication was immediately resolved off-panel. It was explained that Raven used her magic to split Beast Boy and Cyborg's minds into two magically created bodies. This allowed them to regain their independence and resume their normal lives.

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Teen Titans Academy 15 Cybeast undone

This resulted in Cybeast's existence being rendered completely pointless as the quick resolution left little to no impact. Especially when compared to the dramatic character moments displayed by Cybeast's identity crisis in Future State. Although it is possible that Cybeast could return as despite being separated by magic, Cyborg and Beast Boy are technically still merged, the concept is unlikely.

Teen Titan trainee; Cybruh even alluded to the possibility that the Cybeast plot-line might be completely dropped when he mentioned that he and fellow trainee Gorilla Greg are incredibly close to fixing Cybeast entirely. This suggests that Cybeast may be entirely removed off-panel as well. Due to the unlikelihood of the Cybeast concept continuing outside the Teen Titans Academy series, it probably would have been better to have forgone the transformation entirely instead of attempting to unnecessarily squeeze it into the last two issue of Teen Titans Academy.