Being tall can make a person imposing and scary, and when it comes to anime villains, sometimes bigger is better. When a character towers over everyone else, viewers know they mean business. If a fleshy giant or even just a tall man with a maniacal grin was coming toward them, viewers would surely run away.

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Tall villains are among the most memorable. With stature like that, it's hard to forget them. Someone with such a massive frame is bound to turn heads and make fans go "Wow!" Sometimes, manga artists or anime directors will make a character gigantic in order to give the heroes a big goal to accomplish. Defeating a villain who's 3 meters tall is quite the feat. At any rate, massive villains are a good way to challenge protagonists and hook viewers.

10 Arlong Is 2.63 Meters Tall

Arlong Laughing At Nami

In the world of One Piece, Arlong, who can turn into a personified torpedo that can do massive damage to his foes, is one of the most dangerous pirates along the East Blue. He and his army of fishmen terrorized the region prior to the Straw Hat Pirates' arrival.

Arlong was one of Luffy's first true tests as a fighter. Arlong is tough as nails and was one of the Seven Warlords prior to his defeat. The Seven Warlords are government-sanctioned pirates whose job is to restore balance to the seas. Some, like Arlong and Dolflamingo, used their position to terrorize people.

9 Broly Is 2.74 Meters Tall

Broly as he appears in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

Introduced in one of the many Dragon Ball Z movies, Broly has become one of the most popular villains in Dragon Ball. His trademark screams and awesome power made him a memorable movie villain amongst a sea of forgettable foes. The Sayian appeared in three movies during DBZ's original run and even got brought back during Super.

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Broly was a lost member of the Sayian race that had a prior interaction with Goku before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Goku made Broly cry, which Broly holds a grudge against him for. Many fans stopped taking Broly seriously after learning this. Some wonder how Broly could remember something from such an early time in his life.

8 Enel Is 2.77 Meters Tall

Enel showing off lightning in One Piece

In the land of Skypeia, Enel rules over the populace. With his lightning Devil Fruit powers, he is virtually unstoppable. It took a man made entirely of rubber to even make a dent in his ability to rule over Skypeia as its god.

Since Enel considers himself to be a god in the world of One Piece, he believes he owns everything and can do whatever he wants. With is high intellect, he was able to create a weapon that worked well with his lightning powers: the Nonosama Bo. This staff harnesses his electricity and allows him to amplify his powers and electrocute people.

7 Axe Hand Morgan Is 2.85 Meters Tall

Axe Hand Morgan angry

Early in the story of One Piece, when Luffy is looking for his crew, he encounters Zoro. He tries to get Zoro to join his crew, but Zoro's being held captive by Axe Hand Morgan, a Marine captain who strikes fear into his subordinates. Zoro is held there for standing up to Morgan's son, Helmeppo.

Morgan is a massive villain with a hand that is literally an ax, and he possesses a strength that not many Marines in the East Blue have. Morgan is strict and merciless - if a crewmate fails or disobeys him, they will be sent to be executed.

6 Majin Buu Is 2.87 Meters Tall

Anime Dragon Ball Majin Buu Angry Punching

Majin Buu was a polarizing villain in Dragon Ball Z. Created by Bibidi, Buu annoyed audiences with his child-like antics. He wasn't around for long, however, as he was absorbed by his evil half to form Super Buu.

After the Buu arc, Buu became one of the heroes. He was even supposed to be in the Universal Survival Arc before he fell asleep. His innocent naïveté and love of food make him either a treat to watch or a chore to sit through. Buu is a very "love him or hate him" character.

5 Donquixote Dolflamingo Is Just Over 3 Meters Tall

Donquixote Doflamingo Makes His Entrance In One Piece

Dolflamingo was a world noble who began ruling the Kingdom of Dressrosa prior to the start of One Piece. He ascended the throne and killed family members because he felt that they betrayed him. He is quite arrogant and has a tendency to strike strange poses.

Dolflamingo is underhanded, cocky, and wants common people to revere him as their master. He is apathetic toward the weak and even though he took on rookie pirates like Trafalgar Law, he still sees them as worthless and weak.

4 King Cold Is Around 3 2/3 Meters Tall

Goku defeated Frieza during the Namek Saga of Dragon Ball Z. He let him live, however, as Goku tends to do. Frieza was able to survive the explosion of Namek and soon arrived on Earth. He was not alone, as he was accompanied by his father, King Cold.

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King Cold is a massive, and presumably powerful, man. "Presumably" because Trunks cut him down during his debut. King Cold is a playable character in some Dragonball video games, but not much is known by fans about his actual strength. Still, King Cold was still quite the imposing figure.

3 Gekko Moriah Is About 7.3 Meters Tall

Gecko Moria from One Piece.

Gekko Moriah was one of the Seven Warlords in One Piece and has the ability to remove people's shadows, which he can then use to create zombies. With the Thriller Bark Pirates, Gekko wishes to become the King of the Pirates.

Gekko Moriah is so laid back that he doesn't see anyone as a credible threat. He believes that a true pirate should fear nothing, even death. When he fights the Straw Hat pirates, he underestimates them, allowing Luffy to defeat him. Moriah's lax attitude makes him believe that he cannot lose, but he did during the Thriller Bark arc.

2 Big Mom Is 8.8 Meters Tall

Big Mom from One Piece.

In the world of One Piece, few are as terrifying as Big Mom. Big Mom is a giant woman and one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. She created Totto Land with the intent of creating a world where people of all races would be free from discrimination.

While Big Mom has noble intentions, she tends to be aggressive and uses violence to get what she wants. Sometimes, she gets cravings for certain sweets and goes on a rampage until she gets exactly what she wants. She used to have a kind heart, but her hunger for food and noble crusade have caused her to become angry and vicious.

1 Titans Are Well Over 10 Meters Tall

Eren faces the Colossal Titan in Attack On Titan.

The Titans from Attack On Titan are gigantic fleshy beasts that eat people and the throw them back up, terrorizing the world and everyone in it. In order to try and protect the populace, the Survey Corps was formed to repel the threat of the Titans.

And then there are the Founding Titans like Eren and Ymir, who are over 500 meters tall. Titans are massive creatures bent on destruction. They destroy freely and exist solely to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting populace.