Comics can either be made into great superhero movies or turn into a lackluster representation of the source material. Unfortunately, with Suicide Squad, we have the latter. Whether it was having to recut the movie or the rushed production, the film was panned by critics and fans.

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As a result of this seemingly rushed and haphazard project, some of the characters were underutilized and lost within the messy plot. Whether this was because of poor character development or just the fact that the writers were trying to crunch all these characters into one, it's apparent that some of the characters underused while others could have had less screen time.

10 UNDERUSED: Deadshot

Deadshot carried the movie in several ways, which made the film somewhat tolerable to watch. Both Deadshot and Harley Quinn drove the story and were the only characters who had a decent representation of their comic book counterparts.

In the beginning of the film, his powers of precision were portrayed correctly, but as the film goes on (like every other character), his powers seem to get underutilized and stray further away from the comics.


Katana in a fighting stance

Katana's main character draw was to "trap the souls of her victims" in her blade after she killed them. However, Katana seems like a character that is thrown into the movie for no apparent reason.

Related: DC Comics: 10 Most Powerful Female Members Of The Suicide Squad

She had a very small role in the film overall, and many wonder why she was even included in the film to begin with.

8 UNDERUSED: El Diablo (Chato Santana)

El Diablo creates flames in Suicide Squad

Chato Santana was probably the most conflicted character within Suicide Squad. Due to his dark backstory, he's afraid to use his powers. The writers were clearly just trying to push dramatization in the screenplay, and fans made a huge uproar.

If El Diablo were to use his powers, the entire Suicide Squad would've had a much easier time completing their mission. Overall, the underuse of his powers was more frustrating to audiences than anything else.


Rick Flag leading the Suicide Squad in the field

Rick Flag does a lot of talking and just states the obvious for the entirety of Suicide Squad. Some things are better left unsaid, and frankly, he didn't do much besides annoy fans and critics.

Rick Flag is commonly portrayed as three different and complex characters within the comics, a trait that was overlooked when it came time for the movie.

6 UNDERUSED: Slipknot

Adam Beach as Slipknot

Slipknot is killed early on in the movie by Rick Flag as the Suicide Squad is beginning their mission. Fans were upset with this because Slipknot is a fantastic comic book villain that can get out of any situation. But, apparently, he can't escape a simple nanite bomb which killed him as soon as he tried to escape.

This left fans and critics wondering what the point of having him in the movie was since they wasted the character and didn't utilize any of his comic book skills.


Killer Croc is a grungy, hyper visualization of a complex comic book character that was wrongly portrayed within Suicide Squad. One of his main abilities is to move at quickly swim through water, which wasn't shown in the movie.

Instead, the character portrayed a criminal stereotype that did not seem to be necessary toward the overall plot of the story.

4 UNDERUSED: Captain Boomerang


Jai Courtney played the character of Captain Boomerang and gave a decent representation of the comic book character. The villain-turned-hero in this movie has great character qualities and could've been developed more in his backstory.

Overall, he was one of the driving characters that actually made sense within Suicide Squad.


Amanda Waller clearly overstayed her welcome. Not only did she play a huge part in releasing the main villain, Enchantress, but she also doesn't really do much to drive the story.

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The only important role she played was to gather the gang of misfits, but after that, her character kept appearing throughout the film for no reason.


flash suicide squad

Flash made a quick appearance in the movie that left fans wondering why he didn't have a bigger role in the movie. His quick appearance didn't make any sense to the overall plot of the movie, and putting him in was just teasing the audience.

Along with this, fans wondered where Flash was during the huge struggle against Enchantress, which basically destroyed the entire city. His appearance was short-lived, and it felt like the filmmakers just threw him in because they could.


Jared Leto's acting ability was vastly underutilized in the film. The only role he played within the movie was to act as a catalyst for Harley Quinn to prompt her character into action. His role was so insignificant that he could've been cut out of the movie, and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Additionally, Jared Leto's version of Joker is often recognized as the worst portrayal of the Joker to date.

NEXT: 10 Reasons Suicide Squad is the Greatest DC Film (And 10 Why It Should be Locked Away Forever)