WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for "Shiv, Part Two," the latest episode of Stargirl.

Cindy Burman is in trouble. In "Shiv, Part Two," the latest Stargirl episode, she directly disobeyed her father by bringing her fight with Courtney Whitmore to the streets of Blue Valley. Now, the Dragon King has grounded her -- literally. He sent his drones to drag her back down into the sewers, where he and the other Injustice Society members have built their headquarters. Now, according to Shiv actor Meg DeLacy, fans should be "super worried" about what happens to her next.

Speaking to CBR, DeLacy promised Dragon King is "very angry" with Cindy over her latest transgression, so much so that she fears for her very life. She also weighed in on Cindy's relationship with Henry King Jr., Brainwave's son, who is coming into powers of his very own. She teased what their next encounter will look like, as well as Shiv's upcoming confrontation with another ISA member, and more.

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CBR: At the end of this week's episode, we saw Cindy get dragged away by some of Dragon King's drones. Just how worried should we be for her?

Meg DeLacy: Oh, super worried. Super, super worried. I mean, obviously, we know that she's gonna be going down to the tunnels or wherever her dad is watching that television -- that monitor, security camera or whatever. She's scared for her life.

She might be a little annoyed. She's like, "Are you kidding?! I was about to kill her!" But this is the first time she's been caught doing something that she knows she's not allowed to do in any way, and so she's about to get it. [laughs] She's horrified, and my dad is very angry. So yeah, good luck!

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We also saw Cindy gunning for poor Henry Jr. at the end there, before he really unleashed his powers on her. How does that impact their relationship?

Henry has always been the popular jock or whatever. So I was like, "Okay, this makes sense. I'm the cheerleader. I'm the head cheerleader. Our relationship will thrive, because we will be the popular couple and everyone will be afraid of us, all that stuff." When my dad tells me, "You need to watch him and need to make sure that he does or does not have Brainwave's powers," it becomes a task and it becomes now a chore.

So now I'm watching him, and he's just getting weird. I'm not paying attention to the fact that his weirdness, his side effects, may or may not be a side effect of his powers or of his dad's powers because I'm so blinded by all of my other stuff and being impatient and wanting to just go out there and fight and just getting bored of everything. So when I'm complaining to my dad, like, "Hey, can we please just pull the plug? I don't want to do this anymore. I want to do my thing. I don't want to keep spying on Henry." She almost kind of sees him as like, "Okay, stop. You're not a threat. Just get off. I'm trying to get my stuff done."

And then the moment when she sees him use his powers, his brain powers, it's like, "Oh wow, I was wrong." It's such a moment of truth. Everything comes down to that one moment, where I'm about to kill her [Stargirl] and then I realize he has powers. I'm like, "Please come help me. You're scared. I understand. But this is the family we're part of and we can do this together. We can be a team." And he doesn't know what's going on, poor guy.

I feel like, once that fight ends, I'm annoyed. I'm so pissed. I'm so mad. I was like, "Are you kidding? We could have done this together!" And that was kind of a letdown, I'd say. So if she were to see Henry again, she would probably yell at him and tell him to shape up.

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In your opinion, which other character has the most interesting dynamic with Cindy?

I can't say Dragon King, right, because we already talked about that. You know, I'm interested to see how the audience will react to when and if I ever get to talk to any of the other ISA members, like straight up. I think that she has such a respect for all of them, and especially now that I failed at my job to keep Henry relevant, I think they might be a little mad at me. [laughs] So, I'd be really curious to see her reaction when she does get the chance to confront them or when they get to confront her. I don't want to say any specific ISA members, but... I think it would be interesting.

Can you tease your favorite upcoming moment or scene from the series?

Okay, this is kind of going back to what I just said, but I want to say a conversation I have with one of the ISA members. Yeah, I would say the confrontation between Cindy and an ISA member.

DC Universe's Stargirl stars Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl) and Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.). The series airs Monday on DC Universe and Tuesdays on The CW at 8 pm ET/PT. It also stars Amy Smart, Yvette Monreal, Anjelika Washington, Cameron Gellman, Trae Romano, Jake Austin Walker, Hunter Sansone, Meg DeLacy, Neil Jackson and Christopher James Baker.

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