It's a shame that one can't talk about Batgirl and Starfire together without bringing up Dick Grayson. They have made their mark on the DC Universe as strong, capable heroines who play crucial roles in their respective teams. Yet whenever the two end up in the same discussion it always leads back to the question of who should be with Robin.

Related: DC: 5 Reasons Why Batgirl Is Dick Grayson's True Love (& 5 It's Starfire)

Well no more! These two are more than just love interests, they are heroines!  Heroines who have fought against DC's most menacing foes from Joker to Deathstroke. This list begs the question of who would win in a fight: the altruistic Tamaranean or the brainy Gothamite? The daughter of Gordon or the daughter of Galfore? Let's find out.

11 Batgirl: Better Gadgets

The best thing about working with Batman, apart from notoriety, has to be the gadgets. Every member of the Bat-family is equipped with gadgets courteous of the brilliant Lucius Fox. It's safe to assume that Barbara has most of the tools Bruce uses in the Arkham games including a variety of specialized batarangs, grappling hook, glide cape, smoke pellets, and explosive gel. Her cowl should include detective mode, allowing her to see through walls to spot Starfire and detect hazards.

10 Starfire: Better Powers

Starfire from DC Comics flying through a city.

No one can deny that being able to glide around isn't a cool trick. However, it's nowhere near as effective as flying. Starfire doesn't need a suit to get airborne and her projectiles are limitless. She can fire star bolts from her hands and shoot energy beams from her eyes from absorbing ultraviolet radiation. It may not have as much variety but it gets the job done. If the battle gets intense she can concentrate and surround herself with ultraviolet energy to act as a shield. As for her super strength and enhanced healing, that should speak for itself.

9 Batgirl: Trained By Batman

Before she discovered Bruce's secret, Barbara was already a self-taught, agile fighter. Afterword, he took her training above and beyond. Batman passed what he's learned down to Barbara and taught her the same moves he's learned throughout his travels around the world.

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Anyone who knows of Batman knows he is one of the best fighters in DC so if Barbara studied under him, then she picked up some impressive moves. Considering he's studied multiple fighting styles, Batgirl should be able to alternate between them and keep Starfire on her feet. Assuming she isn't floating, that is.

8 Starfire: Trained By Okaara Warriors and Robin

At a young age, Koriand'r and her sister Kormandr were sent to train with the Warlords of the Okaara. Not only did they also teach her the art of warfare but also compassion. They taught her that war is not always the answer but when it is she must be prepared for battle. Studying various alien styles of combat should give her an advantage over Batgirl's limited knowledge of fighting from Earth. Plus, Starfire has fought alongside and trained with Robin, the same Boy Wonder who has been taught the same moves as Barbara. It wouldn't take Starfire long to realize Batgirl fights like Robin and use a style that would best stop her.

7 Batgirl: Works Best in the Shadows

Green Arrow and his team mastered archery, the Flash and his crew have full control over the speed force, and the Bat Family own the darkness. They've utilized their surroundings to remain out of sight, scope out their locations, and catch their opponents by surprise. Batgirl has the advantage of blending in the darkness and choosing when to strike while her enemies become paranoid and unhinged. Giving her the element of surprise when she ambushes Starfire and gets the drop on her.

6 Starfire: Works Best in the Sky

Barbara may have the advantage down below but not so much in the skies. If their fight reaches the rooftops, Starfire will have the upper hand. She can firebomb the rooftop with star bolts from a safe distance that will either blast Batgirl or force her to flee.

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If Batgirl tries to make an escape and glide away, Starfire can shoot her down with her eye beams or fly right up and sock her in the jaw. As for Batgirl, she can't do much to retaliate. Her batarangs have a limited range and she'll be spotted if she attacks out in the open.

5 Batgirl: Experience Fighting Metahumans

This isn't Batgirl's first rodeo though. She's tangled with Batman's most powerful foes like Bane and Poison Ivy. While it's true that she worked with Batman to take those crooks down, she's also developed her own rogues' gallery with villains such as Grotesque and Velvet Tiger that she's handled by herself. If Batman can hold his own against the likes of Superman and the rest of the Justice League, Batgirl has a shot at taking down Starfire. She just needs to be smarter than her.

4 Batgirl: Smarter

Barbara wasn't inducted into the Bat-Family out of pity or sheer luck. She was brought on because she was smart. Not only did she find the Batcave on her own and deduce Batman's secret identity, but she spent years growing up in the GCPD picking up detective and computer hacking skills. On top of all that, she has a photographic memory and experience fighting dozens of metahumans. Maybe not at the level of Taskmaster, but if she's watched any videos of Starfire fighting she would get an idea of what to expect. She may not be able to win fighting hand to hand but if she utilizes all her abilities and processes Starfire's skill-set, Batgirl could lure her down, ambush her, and spray her with a well-placed explosives gel. After that, it should be as simple as hitting the detonator.

3 Starfire: Stronger

There's no denying that Batgirl would manage to land a few good hits and catch Starfire off-guard using guerrilla tactics. Is it enough to take down the Tamaranean? Considering that Starfire has beaten Amazonians in battle, including Donna Troy, it's going to take more than just explosives gel to stop her.

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With her super strength, Starfire could easily demolish any buildings Batgirl could be hiding in and obliterate any potential hiding spots. Of course, if Barbara is anything like her mentor, bringing a building down on her won't be enough. In order to finish her off, Starfire will have to tap into her greatest power source.

2 Starfire: Her Emotions

While she is technically fueled by ultraviolet radiation, Starfire is ultimately fueled by her emotions. Tamaraneans are a sentimental species whose powers are regulated by their feelings. So the stronger her emotional state is, the more powerful she i. Now, remember that the Okaara warlords taught her not just how to fight, but why she should fight. They helped her find a purpose to win and something to fight for. If her victory is determined based on her emotions, she'll be determined to win for the sake of her teammates, her friends, her loves, and herself. Sure Batgirl has people in her life she deeply cares about but that won't physically affect her strength. Starfire, on the other hand, will be at maximum strength and unstoppable.

1 Winner: Starfire

Batgirl is a formidable opponent and if this was any other member of the Bat-Family, Starfire would be in trouble. She would hesitate to harm Nightwing and Batman would have more effective gadgets. At the end of the day, Batgirl is no match for Starfire. Thanks to her superior strength, starbolts, flight, combat training, and resolution, almost assured that a fight between the two will end with Koriand'r as the victor. After a fight like that, she's earned her place in the Batcave and her own cowl and batsuit.

Next: 10 Absolutely 'Fire' Starfire Cosplays