In Star Wars: Infinities, a number of minor changes impact the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, radically changing the galaxy in the process. Even the smallest changes can create entirely new situations, where even some of the franchises' most notable villains get a chance at redemption.

And in one Star Wars: Infinities timeline, there was a world where Darth Vader could actually be redeemed and rejoin the Jedi.

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In Adam Gallardo and Ryan Benjamin's Star Wars Infinities: Return of the Jedi, the premature loss of C-3PO during the failed mission to rescue Han from Jabba the Hut set up a number of other surprising deviations to the timeline. Notably, this included Luke not making it back to Dagobah before Yoda passed away. With no other recourse, Yoda had to reach out to his apprentice through the Force. Although he did reach Luke and make him aware of his fate, this also clued in Emperor Palpatine to his demise AND his location -- allowing Darth Vader to arrive at the swamp planet and capture Luke shortly after he returned. This leads to an extended period of the Emperor and Vader trying to break Luke's spirit.

Receiving a message from Luke shortly before his capture, Leia goes off on her own to try and rescue Luke from the Death Star. But this only results in her capture as well. But this proves to be the secret to saving Darth Vader from himself. On top of the prolonged time with his son, the revelation that Leia is his daughter sews even more doubt into Vader's mind. Considering the Sith Lord was finally and truly corrupted by the loss of his potential family, having two members of his family before him is almost overwhelming. In the end, Luke isn't forced to hack away at Vader and wound him -- instead, Vader eventually collapses to his knees, the fight gone from him. In the bedlam of the Death Star exploding, this gives Luke and Leia the chance to rescue their father -- albeit at the price of the Emperor also being able to escape the station.

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The fall of Anakin Skywalker and his corruption into Darth Vader is one of the central tragedies of the Star Wars saga. While he may have chosen to fight for his son in the climax of The Return of the Jedi, this doesn't necessarily erase all the terrible things he did in the years before that. The question remained whether or not this was just the final action of an old man filled with regret, or whether he could have survived that encounter and truly continued his redemptionStar Wars Infinities suggests this may have been truly the case, with Vader even deciding to don a white variant of his armor to help his children hunt down the Emperor. In this form, he seems to have finally achieved what the Vader of the current-canon always wanted -- a way to become Anakin again, in spirit if not body.

It's a powerful idea, and one that could have radically altered the future of the franchise. While he may have been always fated to die in the canon trilogy, it's good to know that in at least one version of the Star Wars mythos, Darth Vader would be given the chance to fully make right the wrongs he's unleashed across the galaxy.

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