I'm not sure why this hilariously kitschy video has begun making the rounds on Facebook, but I'm grateful that it has, as there are few things as wonderful as this poorly choreographed musical number featuring the World's Scrawniest Thor and Most Miserable Karate Guy.

As you can probably tell from the introduction, to say nothing of the 10-foot-tall letters in the background, it's from Brazilian television network SBT's version of Bozo the Clown, in 1979 or 1980.

The hodgepodge of superheroes -- Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Thor and ... Shang Chi? -- aren't random performers, but rather the faces of Super Heróis, a disco album released by RCA Brazil in 1979, during the heyday of novelty songs. Whether they actually sang the songs is anybody's guess (anyone know?), but they sure rocked those costumes, on the album cover and on television.

That cover, which you can see below, also featured a forlorn Robin sporting a haircut tragic even by '80s standards. For some reason, however, he didn't make it to the TV studio.

Credit where credit's due: "Somos Todos Super Amigos" is damned catchy (you can listen to it in full below), and Wonder Woman and Batman definitely have some moves. And Super Heróis was successful enough to spawn a 1982 follow-up -- alas, without Robin. I have a feeling that's a Behind the Music episode just waiting to happen ...