This is "Went to Tell Everybody," where I spotlighted different cool independent comic book series based on submissions from the indie comic book creators themselves via a set Q & A with the creators themselves. Essentially, the creators speak for their own work and "Went to Tell Everybody" will give them a place to do so!

This is a ostensibly an ongoing weekly feature, so if you would like to see your work spotlighted, as well, there's no time limit or anything like that. So you can submit at any time. It's not a first come/first serve thing, ya know? However, sending your comic in isn't a guarantee that I'll run a spotlight on it. I'm not gonna just promote anything on here, ya know? So if we go a while without an edition of this feature, it is because I don't have something that I'm okay with putting my name on a spotlight of it. Click here for the current submission guidelines.

Today we look at the political horror comic book, SKOTUS from writer Robert Wolinsky, artist Nicolò Arcuti, colorist Francesco Farabi and letterer Micah Myers.

The Kickstarter for the comic book is here.

What is your comic about?

SKOTUS (Serial Killer of the United States) is the story of President Theodore Voyage, as he deals with his Presidential duties by day, and by night, he is the notorious Patriot Killer. Our story follows President Voyage as he uses his political power and thirst for blood to get what he wants. Follow the President as he uses his power as SKOTUS in order to gain more political power as POTUS.

What made you choose the comic medium for this story?

There’s certain stories that just lend themselves to a comic book, because of their intrinsic capacity for conveying a particular sense of rhythm, suspense, and crazy imagery. This is the kind of things that the book needed. Plus both me and writer Rob are determined to make it into the comic book industry as full-time creators, so that was the most natural choice.

What aspect of your comic are you the most proud of?

As an artist, I’m mostly proud of having been able to do a full book, from characters studies to final ink pages, and having kept a consistent style that I feel conveys the story in the best way possible. This is my first endeavor of this kind of size, and it has felt like a big step. Rob is also very proud of the book because we’ve managed to tell a story that was both compelling and entertaining, and something different from what the comic scene is offering today. A dark twist on a not so impossible future if I may say so.

What’s the one piece of philosophy and/or advice that has informed your comic book work the most?

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”

Mahatma Gandhi

This one simple sentence really encloses the spirit of the greater story we’re trying to tell here. We’ll leave the rest to the readers’ imagination.

Since this is “Went to Tell Everybody,” tell everybody about another current comic book series that you would like other people to know more about.

The comic book I want to tell you guys about (mostly from my art point of view) is Pat Shand’s Destiny, NY, an amazing book with great drawings, storytelling, and a very compelling message, that anybody can feel related too.

That’s the kind of book that I always love to read.

Again, if you're interested in SKOTUS, you can back it on Kickstarter here.

And of course, once again, if you're interested in seeing YOUR independent comic book spotlighted in this feature, click here for the current submission guidelines.