The Rising of the Shield Hero is a notable returning isekai anime series in the Spring 2022 anime season, and even if some anime fans are starting to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of isekai out there, they might still give Shield Hero a try, especially if they recently watched Sword Art Online and want to take the next step in the unofficial isekai genre.

While Shield Hero and Sword Art Online have plenty of differences, they can also be directly compared, as both are action/adventure isekai stories featuring a rugged male lead with a loyal party by his side, and both rank among the most notable and well-known isekai titles. Anime fans want to know which anime is better, and when every factor is considered, the answer is clear.

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Shield Hero Vs. Sword Art Online: Plot & Setting

Shield Hero: What You Should Know About the Melromarc & Siltvelt Kingdoms

Every isekai anime needs a distinct plot and setting, and indeed, the setting is an even bigger deal for isekai anime than any other genre. Isekai is about the protagonist getting reborn in or stuck in a new world, meaning the setting is like a character and not just the scenery. In this way, Shield Hero and Sword Art Online can be directly compared, since both feature a different game-oriented hero who finds himself trapped in a fantasy realm.

Shield Hero takes the lead with this, featuring a more cohesive and meaningful setting than SAO. While the kingdom of Melromarc has its dark side, including slavery of demi-humans and oppression of demi-humans in general, this world is at least a setting with a personality and flavor, dark or not. Such settings don't have to be pleasant or inspiring, but they should at least have their own themes, politics, history and ongoing issues, and SAO's various game worlds generally lack such things. The Underworld represents SAO's attempt to catch up with more story-driven isekai settings, but that doesn't make up for how Aincrad, ALFheim Online and Gun Gale Online are just MMORPG maps and little more.

Then there's the issue of plot, where Shield Hero takes the lead again. Fans might argue that Shield Hero's second season is weak compared to the first, but as a whole, Shield Hero features a solid plot that steadily expands the scope of the setting, combat system and even the characters in an engaging manner. Fans explore the world and fill in the map as Naofumi does, giving them a real sense of adventure and discovery. Meanwhile, SAO hops from one game world to another, most of which are not especially compelling, with the possible exception of the Underworld. Exploring 100 same-y dungeons in Aincrad is no adventure at all -- it's a tedious grind, and even if the game was designed with that in mind, it's not much fun to watch.

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Shield Hero Vs. Sword Art Online: Combat & Protagonists

Sword Art Online Kirito weapons

The protagonists of both Shield Hero and SAO are a reflection of their respective series' combat systems, and once again, Shield Hero is the stronger of the two and shows clear evolution in both categories. At first, Kirito and Naofumi seemed like self-insert male leads, being ordinary Japanese young men reborn in their respective fantasy worlds, but Naofumi soon became more than that while Kirito does not.

Indeed, Kirito is notorious for being a stale, generic isekai lead who shows no real growth or personality aside from his "found family" with Asuna and Yui, while Naofumi is defined first by his bitter isolation and then his warm, paternal attitude and ever-improving charisma. By now, Naofumi has become a truly respectable isekai lead with a warm personality and strength as a leader in battle. He started at his lowest point, then gradually returned to the light.

Meanwhile, not only is Naofumi's shield-based combat system more intriguing than Kirito's, and not only does it reward creativity, but it also reflects Naofumi's mental state. At first, Naofumi was bitter and desperate, and his pent-up rage manifested as the Rage/Wrath Shield -- a terrifying and costly emergency power that Naofumi has used a few times thus far. However, by now, Naofumi has moved on and embraced the power of friendship and hope, and sure enough, his Rage Shield is nowhere to be found. That's a symbolic step forward for him, while Kirito's swords are not at all a reflection of who he is. They are merely deluxe game weapons with great stats.