Guts is one of the most iconic protagonists in anime history, known even by those who aren’t familiar with Berserk. He’s the face of seinen anime, coming from one of the most incredible franchises to ever come out of the genre, and many relate to his multifaceted character. Most fans argue that Guts is the greatest seinen protagonist of all time, and in a lot of ways, they’re right.

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However, the genre is filled with amazing heroes who have just as much strength, bravery, and personality as this beloved figure, and some have even more. Though it’s hard to picture a protagonist who can match up to Guts, seinen has introduced fans to many incredible main characters over the years who easily can give him a run for his money in all aspects.

10 Arsène Lupin III Is The World's Number One Gentleman Thief (Lupin III)

A close-up image of the titular protagonist of Lupin III.

Anime fans everywhere have heard of the iconic classic Lupin III. It's been around for decades, with multiple series and films all portraying the epic adventures of the famed gentleman thief. As one of the longest-running seinen franchises of all time, it's almost impossible for fans not to recognize Arsène Lupin III.

He's one of the coolest characters in anime history, from his suave personality to his signature sense of style, and even those unfamiliar with his series know his name. His character has evolved a lot since his initial debut, but he remains a timeless and influential part of anime to this day.

9 Thorfinn Displays Amazing Character Development (Vinland Saga)

Thorfinn Lets The Past Go In Vindland Saga

Vinland Saga is one of the most beloved seinen series in history, rivaling even titles like Berserk. The series is a Viking epic, centering around a young protagonist named Thorfinn, who vows revenge for his father's death. Thorfinn fights to survive in an unforgiving and war-torn land, doing everything he can to enact his vengeance.

However, his character is far more complex than that, and as the story progresses, he begins to see that holding onto his anger only leads to self-destruction. His incredible development throughout the series makes him a much more well-rounded character, and some fans argue he's one of the most well-written seinen characters ever.

8 Ginko Is A Unique & Mysterious Protagonist (Mushishi)

Ginko from Mushishi.

Mushishi is unlike most seinen series out there, with a slow-paced storyline focusing on the philosophical side of life. As to be expected, its protagonist is equally as unique. Ginko is a quiet and mysterious wanderer who travels the land in search of answers behind strange entities known as Mushi.

He's a much more thoughtful seinen protagonist than most, taking his time throughout life and pondering the meaning of existence itself. His calm demeanor and unassuming appearance greatly contrast the heroic presence of a protagonist like Guts. However, his role is equally impactful and possibly even more memorable.

7 Kaguya Shinomiya Effortlessly Captures Fans' Hearts (Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War)

Kaguya looking over her shoulder at her rival, Miyuki sipping tea in Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War.

Kaguya Shinomiya is a very different seinen protagonist from the likes of Guts, and Kaguya-sama: Love is War is unlike most series within the genre. Nevertheless, they easily hold their own against some of the big names of seinen, even rivaling Berserk in popularity. Kaguya may not have the strength of most seinen heroes, but she's a force to be reckoned with in her own right.

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She uses her wits and charm to gain the upper hand on Miyuki Shirogane in their game of love, all the while stealing the hearts of the audience in the process. She's become one of the most beloved seinen protagonists in a very short time, and it's likely she'll only become more iconic as the years pass.

6 Shotaro Kaneda Is A Legend Among Seinen Protagonists (Akira)

Akira _ Shotaro Kaneda on his bike

Shotaro Kaneda is legendary among seinen protagonists, his iconic design well-known throughout anime history. He's the cocky and energetic hero of the beloved '80s classic Akira, and his influence on anime is still felt decades later. One of his most defining features is his high-tech motorcycle, which he rides around throughout Neo Tokyo.

It's become so iconic that many films and shows have referenced it throughout the years, showing just how significant Akira's influence has been on pop culture. Apart from his unforgettable style and moves, Shotaro proves his worth throughout the story with his inner strength and endurance that easily rivals any other seinen heroes'.

5 Saitama Is Powerful, But He's Still A Lot Of Fun (One-Punch Man)

Saitama jumping in One-Punch Man

There's no denying that fans love One-Punch Man, and Saitama is easily one of the best modern seinen protagonists around. He's a perfect example of how hard work and determination can pay off more than expected. Through his resilience, he became one of the strongest heroes ever, capable of knocking out even the most formidable of foes in a single punch.

Fans love him for his incredible power and skills, but they also love his personality and the humor it brings to the series. He may be an unstoppable powerhouse, but he's still lighthearted and fun, and that's what makes Saitama so great.

4 Alucard's Fearsome Abilities Place Him Above The Rest (Hellsing)

Alucard from Hellsing sneering at the camera.

The Hellsing franchise is full of terrifying and powerful characters, but none can intimidate the audience quite as much as the vampire-hunting protagonist Alucard. In a lot of ways, he's more dangerous than any of the vampires he takes on, showing just how powerful he truly is.

As a vampire himself, Alucard has all the powers of his kind, plus his own special abilities, so it's no wonder he's the secret weapon of the Hellsing Organization. This frightful anti-hero is one of the coolest protagonists in all of seinen, and he easily trumps any others with his strength, skill, and fear factor.

3 Madoka Kaname Inspired A New Generation Of Magical Girls (Madoka Magica)

Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica was a groundbreaking series combining two very different genres. It took everything about the classic magical girl and turned it on its head, starting the magical girl deconstruction trend.

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At the forefront of it all was Madoka Kaname, who has since become one of the most iconic magical girls of all time, as well as one of the most popular seinen protagonists. Her role in the series has inspired a brand-new generation of magical girls and changed the landscape of anime forever, a feat that few other protagonists have ever managed to accomplish.

2 Kaneki Ken Is One Of The Greatest Modern Seinen Protagonists (Tokyo Ghoul)

Kaneki snaps his fingers

Seinen is a dark anime genre all around, but few get as dark as Tokyo Ghoul. The series features the painful life of Kaneki Ken, who finds himself caught between two worlds after a brush with fate leaves him half-human, half-ghoul. He's one of the most complex seinen protagonists out there, struggling with his sense of self and dwindling humanity, along with the heavy trauma he suffers from.

It's often hard to decide whether he's a hero or a villain, as his character changes drastically throughout the entire series. He's a puzzling protagonist with a unique story and many layers of depth, making him one of the very best in the genre.

1 Major Motoko Kusanagi Is The Greatest Seinen Icon (Ghost In The Shell)

Motoko Kusanagi Falling In Ghost In The Shell

Ghost in the Shell is a beloved classic franchise that has stood the test of time for many decades. To this day, Major Motoko Kusanagi remains one of the most iconic seinen protagonists, adored by generations of fans. She's a powerful cyborg, built for the toughest of battles, though she appears no different than any human woman.

Through her adventures, Motoko comes to learn about the nature of life and what it means to be human. She's a thought-provoking and compelling protagonist who's just as beautiful as she is badass, and she can easily wipe the floor with just about any other seinen protagonist out there.

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