It is evident that the Scarlet Witch, or Wanda Maximoff, will play an important role in Phase 4 of the MCU, being that her show, WandaVision, kicked off Phase 4 back in January. The show intends to set up the Doctor Strange sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, set to be released in 2022.

RELATED: 10 Ways The Falcon & The Winter Soldier Is Worse Than WandaVision

Besides being a segue into future MCU films, WandaVision explored more about the Scarlet Witch, including her dark origins and what she's been doing since the events of Endgame. The show reveals a tragic character, one whose heartbreaking story revolves around the problems of her past and the uncertainties of her future.

10 She still doesn't understand her powers

Wanda Losing Control of Her Powers from season Finale

Wanda doesn't understand her gifts and therefore can't control them. Thus, the problem of her losing control of her powers isn't really her fault. She's had to learn about her powers on her own; there wasn't a Professor X or Magneto to guide her. She learned to use a good tool in a bad way.

Because she can harness chaos magic, she has the ability to do some devastating things, like alter reality. Unfortunately, Wanda found out about her reality-warping abilities at the absolute wrong time, since no one was there to teach her.

9 Wanda had a traumatic upbringing

Young Wanda being Traumatized During the War in Sokovia

WandaVision revealed that Wanda grew up in a war-torn Sokovia with her brother Pietro. The pair became orphans after a Stark missile killed their parents. The events were so traumatic that she's had to block them out of her mind for most of her life. To deal with this, she hides behind sitcoms, the only real happy memory associated with her parents.

After she grew older, she also volunteered for Hydra, becoming exposed to the Mind Stone, amplifying her powers and traumatizing her even more. Wanda had a horrible upbringing, and her life has become worst, in a way, because of it.

8 After Endgame, nobody checked in on her

Avengers who didn't check up on Wanda, who could have made a cameo in the show

It is a bit surprising that no one checked in on her after the events of Endgame. Checking in on her firstly would have given her more support to better deal with the loss of her husband. Secondly, it also keeps one of the strongest Avengers in check, ensuring that events, such as the ones in WandaVision, would never happen.

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Dr. Strange was supposed to make an appearance, but the idea was scrapped in order to keep the focus of WandaVision on Wanda. This decision makes the character's story even more tragic as no other Avenger cared enough about her to check in.

7 In order to keep people safe, & to heal, she had to isolate herself from others

Wanda in isolation in Sokovia after WandaVision Finale

After the finale, it becomes evident that there was really no place for her in this post-Avengers world. Her magic powers and abilities were too dangerous to be harnessed for good, and so she pulls a Hulk and goes into isolation in a mountainous region of Sokovia.

The entire scene is just sad. She never deserved to be in this situation but forces herself to do so for the ones she loves. Although sad, this decision ultimately strengthens her, preparing her for an eventual comeback.

6 Inadvertently caused the events of WandaVision but still, nobody in Westview forgives her

Hexed Citizens of Westview from WandaVision

At first, she didn't want to alter reality and make Westview her own personal playground. She was visiting her would-be house and her chaos powers activated, hexing Westview. Anybody in her situation would have done the same given the opportunity, thus the residents of Westview really had no reason to be upset with her.

None of the citizens empathized with her, pretending not to understand her situation, making her seem like the villain when all she wanted to do was move on with her life.

5 She Will always be seen as a villain

Mentally Unstable Wanda Maximoff from the show

Wanda's made some pretty horrible mistakes prior to Westview. She was a Hydra agent before becoming an Avenger. While she was an Avenger, she inadvertently killed some people in Lagos, Nigeria. And in Avengers: Infinity War, she was forced to destroy both her husband and the Mind Stone in order to prevent Thanos from gaining its power, which he still succeeded in getting.

RELATED: WandaVision: 10 Ways Scarlet Witch Has Changed Since Age Of Ultron

Because of this, it does not come as a surprise that most people, including some Avengers, still see her as a villain. People like Tyler Hayward are quick to judge her, ignoring the fact that she was and is an Avenger, further isolating her and treating her as if she were a living weapon. People cannot move past her mistakes, despite all her efforts to change.

4 She's often overshadowed by other heroes

Thor, Cap America, and Iron Man from the MCU

Similar to how it is in the comics, there are just some heroes who get the spotlight more than others, either because of their personalities or importance in the world. Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America will always have the spotlight, overshadowing other heroes.

The Scarlet Witch is often forgotten and her role in the Marvel universe has been secondary for the longest time now. She's never been at the center of attention until WandaVision. This show was a nice change as she got some much-needed attention. Hopefully, this trend will continue into future MCU shows and movies.

3 She's lost her only family member, her brother Pietro

Two Versions of Quicksilver from MCU and Fox Universe

One of the cruelest things about WandaVision was the whole Quicksilver fiasco. Instead of implementing a clever tie-in, one that connected Wanda to other characters in the MCU, or to the Fox X-Men universe, Quicksilver's return in the show was all for one big useless joke.

Besides giving audiences a quick chuckle, Quicksilver's place in the show reveals something truly sad about Wanda. Her only family member, a person who's stuck by her through thick and thin, is gone. The MCU does a good job of portraying their relationship as deep and genuine, not inappropriate, making this terrible gag even worse for Wanda and her fans.

2 She lost her kids

Wiccan and Speed dressing up as their comic book counterparts from WandaVision

All Wanda ever wanted in life was to have a normal family. With Vision by her side, she wanted to move into a suburban neighborhood and raise her twins, Wiccan and Speed. She got to be a mom, for a time, until she had to give up her hexed kids.

RELATED: WandaVision: Everything You Need To Know About Wiccan

The tragedy however is that they are almost certainly real, as hinted in the finale, and she might not even realize it. She had to give up her hexed kids, but because of the chaos she's experienced, she doesn't even know if that was real or not.

1 She lost her husband

Wanda and Vision dressing up as their comic book counterpart from WandaVision

Vision is Wanda's soulmate. They were destined to be with each other. They understand each other, comfort each other, and balance each other out. He's the voice of reason in the relationship, whether it be in real life or in the hexed world.

When Vision wasn't revived by The Blip, Wanda was devastated. The only person in her life who brought her joy didn't get a second chance, unlike the other heroes. And worst of all, he was brought back as an emotionless android, making their eventual reunion strange, foreign, and possibly less heartfelt.

NEXT: 10 Times WandaVision Broke Our Hearts