• Alex Wilde debuted in the very first issue of Savage Dragon. 1 / 10

  • She was soon one of Dragon's closest friends in the series. 2 / 10

  • However, they did not spend all that much time together as partners. 3 / 10

  • Still, she was prominent enough to be featured in pin-ups and stuff like that. 4 / 10

  • So naturally, when Jim Lee did a fill-in issue of Savage Dragon, she was going to be in it. 5 / 10

  • The issue guest-stars Grifter as the WildC.A.T.s hero meets Dragon and Alex. 6 / 10

  • They burst on to a scene where he just happens to be, as well. 7 / 10

  • Alex is shot. Some people believe Lee accidentally killed off a major supporting character! 8 / 10

  • However, she is clearly stated to be recovering later in the issue. 9 / 10

  • Grifter even apologizes to her. So no, Lee did not accidentally kill a character in a fill-in! 10 / 10