Was Luke Skywalker married? A new rumor regarding the novelization of Star Wars: The Last Jedi looks to answer that question.

Star Wars news site Dork Side of the Force posted the rumor, which claims that the revelation comes on just the first page of The Last Jedi's novelization, set for release on March 6. Allegedly, a tipster with access to an early copy of the book sent the site its first sentence, which reads: "Luke Skywalker stood in the cooling sands of Tatooine, his wife by his side."

This would be the first official confirmation of a love interest for Luke Skywalker, following Disney's purge of the extended Star Wars universe in 2014 (after Lucasfilm was acquired by the House of Mouse). And while this is just rumor and speculation for now, this bit of info would add a new layer to the updated take on Luke Skywalker, one The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson took heat from following the film's release.

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With the book set for release in just a couple of weeks, look for this rumor to be debunked or proven true in the coming days.

In the Star Wars Legends canon, Luke Skywalker was married to Mara Jade, an Imperial assassin who ends up switching sides and joining Luke as a Jedi Knight. While this rumor doesn't neccessarily prove that Mara Jade was Luke's wife in canon, it does open up the possibility. And while her introduction would surely make longtime fans of the Legends lore happy, the revelation opens up a whole slew of questions we can only hope will eventually be answered.

The marriage of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade in the Star Wars comics

If Luke Skywalker was married, what happened to his wife? Does this have something to do with his detachment from the Force? Maybe Luke was only giving us a piece of the story in The Last Jedi, with Ben Solo's downfall being just one domino in a line of tragic events. Or, maybe this was a secret marriage, something that would be a welcome callback to the ill-received prequel trilogy, with Luke following in the footsteps of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.

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And if she's alive? Well, maybe director J.J. Abrams has a bit more to work with in Episode IX than fans might think.