Rick and Morty is a fabulous animated series that has received high accolades (and for good reason). The series is extremely controversial and has crossed several boundaries, but what fantastic TV show or movie hasn't caused an uproar of debate? The TV series' success is well-deserved due to its phenomenal storytelling mixed with in-depth, detailed character arcs.

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This brilliant comedy tells very dry, sarcastic jokes that only a niche personality laugh at. That being said, the series' success calls attention to the fact that most of the jokes are understood and received in a positive manner. But what happens when the jokes are misread and taken too far? Here is a list of five well-received jokes, and five jokes that audiences may have taken the wrong way.

10 FUNNY: Rick's "Saw" Recreation On The Vindicators

Season 3 Episode 4 is a classic comprised of a hilarious recreation of the cult classic movie Saw. Rick drinks a little too much the night before and takes out his hatred for the Vindicators through reworking the entire mission to put them all in danger.

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Although putting other people in danger is not funny, the audience sees the humor in Rick's actions because of the snooty and elitist personalities of the Vindicators. As a result, the dark comedy is an overall positive in relaying how well Morty knows Rick and the audience is onboard with all the laughs.

9 TOO FAR: Alien Brother Kills Alien Sister

When Rick and Jerry visit the immortality planet, two kids are introduced "playing" with each other by playing a game of tag with weapons. They would run around and shoot one another and would come back alive. All fun and games! However, this quickly takes a turn for the worst when the immortality sphere is turned off.

In a quick cutaway, the two kids are shown playing their game of tag, but when the brother shoots the sister, she ends up dying from it. This joke was taken to a way darker place then where it started and it left audience's feeling upset rather than joyful.

8 FUNNY: The "Quick" Mission Rick Took Morty On

We all know the way Rick messes with Morty by taking him on adventures that are much more dangerous than they expected. Well, at the beginning of season 3 episode 6, Morty complains that he wants to live a normal childhood, but ultimately gets roped into another mission. This mission is anything but quick and easy.

The sudden twist to the two complaining they almost died is hilarious and satirical. It truly shows how Morty will never live a "normal kid's" life.

7 TOO FAR: Rick Attempts Suicide

This is no laughing matter. The content of this scene is brutal to watch and leaves the audience feeling empty. Harsh representations of depression like this one in the show are the opposite of funny and the writing is questioned to go too far.

For these reasons, Rick and Morty holds a very niche audience because of content like this one that just simply are not funny.

6 FUNNY: Pickle Rick

Pickle Rick was one of Television's greatest creations making for an overall comedy masterpiece. When Rick turns himself into a pickle, the audience is taken through the struggles he has of staying alive without arms or legs.

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This was a huge positive for the show and took it even farther than on-screen. Pickle Rick merchandise went viral and ended up being a huge hit in the marketplace. This is a true example of some fantastic comedy material making a huge difference on audience's lives.

5 TOO FAR: Rick And Morty Bury Themselves

This sequence is ultimately traumatizing and awkward. Nobody ever wants to be put into the position of needing to bury themselves and the show turns its comical shoulder away and brings out the shoulder of truth. It serves as a moral philosophy that death is a part of everybody's lives which gives a psychological shoulder bump to its audience's.

The imaginative scenario leaves the audience with mixed emotions because of how traumatizing it is for the beloved main character.

4 FUNNY: Interdimensional Cable

Interdimensional cable in Rick and Morty is filled with creative short scenes that have hilarious punchlines. These scenes are anything but filler for the show's storyline because they provide comical entertainment to fans showcasing the writer's true creative abilities to create jokes.

What makes the bit even funnier is that most of the interdimensional cable is improv by comedians and actors. The thinking-on-the-spot jokes fuels the content of the show.

3 TOO FAR: Every Morty Needs A Rick

Fans love the character of Morty, and the show takes a jab at both the character and audience when it goes as far as saying that each Morty needs a Rick. As society becomes more and more independent and progressive, this theme hits home a little too hard for some audiences.

Questions arise such as "Why does Morty need Rick?" and "Shouldn't Morty be able to think for himself?" When these questions are being asked, it is clear that comedy is left out of the picture. Whether the show is trying to be comical or not, the story arcs become controversial after episodes like these.

2 FUNNY: Rick's Ship Keeps Summer Safe (At All Costs)

Keep Summer Safe

When Rick and Morty leave Summer to go on an adventure, Rick says "Ship, keep Summer safe." Upon this command, the ship keeps her safe at all costs which poses to be a major legal issue. As the situation escalates, the audience laughs at the intentionally dark comedy that derives from the sequence.

Th ship becomes a great comical function to the story and the viewing experience profits from the laughs. It also develops a personality as the show goes on and cracks a few jokes against Summer in the process. Overall, this is a major win for the show.

1 TOO FAR: Birdperson Is Betrayed


Birdperson was a beloved character within Rick and Morty and the sudden shift in storyline was not wanted by fans. At Birdperson's wedding, he is betrayed by his wife whose sole intention was to stop Rick.

The show presents several scenarios where Rick is the center of attention in every situation, and this may have taken it too far. Upon Birdperson's death, the audience is stripped of its laughs and rather has a negative impact on the show's characters.

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