The endless wackiness of Rick and Morty forms the bulk of its bizarre charm — from creepy jellybeans and Cronenberg disasters to a diverse array of lifeforms that the grandpa-grandson pair encounter on their adventures. Further, the show's richly colored animation takes audiences on what can only be described as a vicarious acid trip through time and space.

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Given the amount of information packed into every episode, there are dozens of moments on Rick and Morty that require multiple viewings, even if only to dissect the layers of meaning and nonsense that alternate between themselves at hypersonic speeds. Of course, the humor component in each scene is equally valuable when it comes to rewatch value.

10 Mortynight Run — Fart's Interdimensional Glam Ballad

Fart with Rick and Morty

Morty encounters a seemingly innocent interdimensional creature composed of a mysterious cloud of gas with several glowing medallions suspended within its "body". He decides to set it free despite Rick's warnings, and the escape sequence results in countless avoidable deaths.

What's worse is when Fart reveals its sinister plans, followed by a David Bowie-esque song called "Goodbye, Moonmen" that thematically clashes with its vision of cosmic genocide. Fart's musical performance is incredible, but it is unfortunately killed by Morty.

9 Total Rickall — Jerry's "Fictional" Affair With Sleepy Gary

Jerry with Sleepy Gary — Rick and Morty

Nearly every scene with Jerry is comic gold, deriving its humor from his unbridled cringe and ridiculous beliefs. That said, the episode in which the Smith family is infected with Memory Parasites shows that Jerry's sexuality isn't as rigid as it seems, given his imaginary love affair with Sleepy Gary.

Audiences find this secondary aspect of Jerry's personality rather interesting to parse, especially because it's not really mentioned again — and only hinted at vaguely in future episodes.

8 Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind — The Pizza, Phone, And Furniture Universes

The phone, pizza, and furniture universe in Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty burst through a series of alternate dimensions while on the run from the Citadel, transporting themselves into somehow related and yet completely different universes each time.

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It's fascinating to watch sentient pizzas ordering human beings on the phone while sitting on a couch, phones ordering furniture on a human while sitting on pizza, and sofas ordering phones on a pizza while sitting on people. If the infinite worlds hypothesis is true, then none of this is surprising, however unbelievable it looks.

7 The Ricklantis Mixup — The Evil Morty Mega Cliffhanger

evil morty

The climax of one of the most unique Rick and Morty episodes shows how much power a single Morty can wield over a vast population of bigoted Ricks, not just winning the election but also getting rid of potential opponents with cold-blooded tactics.

The so-called Evil Morty is first introduced in a much earlier episode, but his current rise to power signifies that he's not as easy to defeat as most antagonists in the series. Viewers want more of Evil Morty, but he is yet to make a serious move after becoming President of the Citadel.

6 Get Schwifty — Rick & Morty Perform Their Greatest Hit Song

Get Schwifty in Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty write and compose the music for a hit song to avoid the planet being vaporized by the Cromulons, whose only desire is to see "what they got."

"Get Schwifty" is an exercise in pure absurdity — from Rick's gibberish lyrics to the fact that the song is appreciated by a living Solar System as an impressive accomplishment. The rib-tickling scene with Rick telling his audience to "take off your pants and your panties" and referring to himself as "Mr. Bulldops" never gets old.

5 M. Night Shaym-Aliens! — Jerry's Fantasy Of Success Is An Algorithm On Loop

Jerry's slogan in Rick and Morty

Jerry's accidental inclusion in the Zigerion simulation makes for some top-notch comedy, starting with his iconically terrible "Hungry for Apples?" slogan receiving instant praise from his bosses. He somehow doesn't realize the reality of his situation despite all the glitchy clues popping up around him, but that's just par for the course in his case.

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Although Jerry realizes that his slogan is a poorly veiled copy of "Got Milk?" the simulation awards him for his work, magnifying his ego. The best part about this entire sequence is that Jerry's attempt to replicate his success in real life is a total and unmistakable disaster.

4 Something Ricked This Way Comes — Rick and Summer Smack The Devil Back To Hell, Together

Rick and Summer beat up Lucius Needful

Rick and Summer have their own adventures in this episode, where he tries to get his granddaughter to see that she's working for the literal devil, conspicuously named Lucius Needful. Unfortunately, he betrays Summer after his online store is a smash hit, which naturally infuriates her.

She and her grandpa start bulking up and injecting each other with steroids, ultimately turning into a pair of hyper-buff versions who smack Lucius around at his celebratory tech talk. If that's not amazing enough, Summer and Rick proceed to beat up a neo-Nazi, a playground bully, a virulent homophobe, and an animal abuser. Violence obviously isn't the answer, but at least it's fun to watch on TV.

3 Pickle Rick — The Entire Survival Sequence

Pickle Rick in Rick and Morty

Rick's journey through the sewers forces him to evolve from ordinary pickle into a nightmarish combination of rat and cockroach body parts. After defeating his rodent opponents, Rick finds himself in a bigger pickle when he battles a gang of Russians — and an assassin named Jaguar.

Luckily, he survives the ordeal, eventually crawling his way to the therapy session with his daughters and grandchildren. Rick might not respect therapy, but his staggering intelligence in terms of strategizing is downright awe-inspiring.

2 Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat — Rick & Morty's Meta Mockery Of Summer

Rick And Morty - Summer

Rick and Morty close the first episode of Season 4 with their usual ramble, claiming that "sometimes [they'll] do classic stuff... sometimes [they] won't even do anything." Summer overhears their exchange and feels left out, so she starts mocking them under her voice. Grandpa is having none of her sass, and asks the Garage to "isolate Summer's voice and play back."

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Everyone hears her mimicry of Rick and Morty's adventures, who then react by telling her that she "ruined the Season premiere." More importantly, the way Season 5 is going, there's likely to be a lot more scenes with Summer.

1 Rixty Minutes — Beth & Jerry's Love Transcends Timelines

Jerry And Beth Smith in Rick and Morty

Jerry and Beth's marriage is detrimental not as much to themselves as to everyone who gets involved, accidentally or otherwise. This is best proven when the two of them destroy "the galaxy's most successful couples' counseling institute," within a few hours of checking in.

However, it seems that the couple might just be linked via fate, given the scene in which their alternate timeline versions reject their monumental successes in favor of rekindling their relationship. Besides, Beth and Jerry have been through cosmic-levels of disaster and are still going strong, regardless of naysayer opinions.

NEXT: 10 Video Game References You Missed In Rick & Morty