That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is a popular isekai series whose star, Rimuru Tempest, isn't seeking to build a harem to defeat the demon king, nor is he a buffoon like Kazuma Sato. Instead, he is on a quest to build a brand-new monster kingdom in the Jura forest, a diverse and inclusive kingdom where all can live in peace.

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A nation like this demands solid leadership, and, sure enough, Rimuru only recruits the best and brightest to help run the Jura Federation, and he also has strong diplomatic ties with other parties and nations across his isekai world. Some of these characters can serve as great role models for viewers, while others are lousy role models, albeit a lot of fun to watch.

10 GOOD ROLE MODEL: Rimuru Tempest Is Tolerant, Supportive, & Optimistic

rimuru tempest with a fist

Rimuru Tempest has many incredible powers to his name, but, overall, he favors peace and diplomacy over war. He has a mighty nation at his command but uses his army for defense, not aggression, and seeks to expand the Federation's borders through diplomacy.

Rimuru is a solid role model in person, too, being a friendly, cooperative, and empathetic person who always sees the best in others and helps them realize their potential. He's tough on his enemies and kind to his friends and allies, a fine example to follow. He also has a solid sense of humor.

9 BAD ROLE MODEL: Gobta Is Mainly Comic Relief

Gobta the goblin

The goblin named Gobta does have his moments, such as when he helps train rookie soldiers or when he's fighting weak enemies. Overall, though, Gobta isn't much of a role model, because his main role is to make viewers laugh instead, often at his own expense.

Gobta isn't a bad person, but he also has few admirable traits aside from his boundless confidence. He usually pops up to provide some comic relief and contrast with the stronger, more serious fighters around him.

8 GOOD ROLE MODEL: Hakuro Is Tough But Fair, Like Rimuru

hakuro slime

The ogre swordsman Hakuro is a tough anime elder who is sworn to defend Benimaru, the ogre tribe's leader, at all costs. Upon gaining his name, he became noticeably warmer and more outgoing, to the point that he'll gladly train entire squads of non-ogres in swordplay.

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As one might expect, Hakuro is a wise and experienced old man who has more than a few secrets to share with his apprentices, and he has a mild but warm sense of humor. He's capable of making friends, too. Hakuro's generous spirit is definitely something to emulate.

7 BAD ROLE MODEL: Shion Is Jealously Possessive Of Rimuru

shion in slime

Shion is another survivor of the ogre tribe, and she is markedly different from Hakuro. Shion is skilled with her giant Hercules sword and can use energy-based attacks, but she mainly prides herself in her role as Rimuru Tempest's self-appointed secretary.

In the show, Shion is a lot of fun to watch, and her loyalty is admirable. She's a less than stellar role model, though, given her constant tantrums, jealous streak, and generally immature behavior. She really knows how to test people's patience sometimes.

6 GOOD ROLE MODEL: King Gazel Dwargo Considers Every Angle

gazel dwargon that time I got reincarnated as a slime

King Gazel Dwargo was one of Rimuru's first major allies in the Slime anime, and he rules the Armed Nation of Dwargon with a firm but fair hand. Gazel is more open-minded than some other kings or emperors in this isekai realm, but he's not quick to commit himself to risky propositions. He's patient, like stone.

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Gazel has high expectations of his own men and his allies, and he challenges Rimuru to carefully see everything from every angle before making a move. Overall, Gazel is optimistic about what his friends and allies can do, but he's not a reckless enabler. He's like a teacher, in a way.

5 BAD ROLE MODEL: Demon Lord Milim Is Impulsive & Childlike

milim nava pointing

Demon Lord Milim Nava has her good points, including her friendly side and her remarkable ability to find the fun in anything. She knows how to relax and have a good time in Rimuru's city, and she has boundless confidence in battle. She tends to get carried away, though.

Milim is prone to boasting and laughing at her enemies, and she acts rather bratty when she doesn't get her way. Milim is also impulsive and whimsical, which can be a real headache for Rimuru and other parties. She's a good friend, but she doesn't set much of an example to follow.

4 GOOD ROLE MODEL: Princess Shuna Is Stern But Kind

princess shuna slime

Like her elder Hakuro, the gentle and sweet princess Shuna is warm to her allies and stern to her enemies, and she has little patience for misbehavior or nonsense. Despite her petite size and harmless appearance, Shuna is a tough princess, and she can even stare down Rimuru like a stern parent.

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Shuna doesn't mind fun and games, but if anyone crosses the line, she'll put her foot down without losing her temper, which is impressive. She is also loyal to her big brother, Benimaru, and committed to Rimuru's cause. As a whole, she's a likable and highly responsible person, a fine role model for anyone.

3 BAD ROLE MODEL: Veldora Keeps Goofing Off

veldora slime human form

Veldora was once the almighty storm dragon until Rimuru ate him with permission. In recent episodes, Veldora was reborn into a human body, and he's going wild with it. If he's not lounging on the couch reading manga magazines, he's either talking up a good fight or knocking some heads together.

Veldora is brave and loyal, like most of Rimuru's allies, though he tends to act shockingly immature for his age. He's like a lazy teenager who can't be bothered to do his homework, and he doesn't seem to have any relatable aspirations or goals. He's a good fighter, but a weak role model.

2 GOOD ROLE MODEL: Kaijin Works Hard At A Job He Loves

Kaijin the blacksmith from Reincarnated As A Slime

Kaijin the dwarf blacksmith tends to blend into the background since he gets relatively little screen time and isn't a fighter by any means. Still, he's a fine role model as a worker and as a person, and he also ranks among Rimuru's earliest allies. He generously left the Armed Nation of Dwargon to help rebuild the goblin village.

Kaijin takes immense pride in his work, but he's not complacent or arrogant about it. He tirelessly forges weapons, items, and even more to help Rimuru's nation grow. Anyone looking to launch a career or hone their trade should follow Kaijn's example.

1 BAD ROLE MODEL: Gabiru Loves Himself Way Too Much

gabiru the lizard in slime

The lizard warrior Gabiru is slowly learning to be humbler, but, as a whole, he's a flamboyant egomaniac and a troublemaker who needs constant adoration and praise to stay motivated. It's good to have supporting friends, but it's silly to have fanatical fans cheering at every little thing.

Gabiru was a reckless glory hound who defied the lizard tribe's king, which got him into big trouble. Now he serves Rimuru but is still rather obnoxious and self-absorbed, still relying heavily on constant cheering to fight. This isn't a good example to follow.

Next: 10 Shojo Protagonists Who Are Great Role Models