DC Comics have done an impressive job at cultivating an eclectic roster of superheroes that come from all different walks of life. Sometimes heroes resemble everyday people and their powers are a mystery to the public, whereas other characters don’t have a choice in the matter. Such is the case with J’onn Jo’onzz, otherwise known as Martian Manhunter.

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Martian Manhunter has seen fascinating growth and development during his run in comics and he’s often an important fixture of the Justice League. There’s still a lot about the hero that evades people. Accordingly, here are 10 powers that you didn’t know Martian Manhunter had.

10 Super Speed

Martian Manhunter Flying Up

When there are so many crazy superheroes on display with unbelievable abilities, something like super speed can easily get overlooked, even though it can be the deciding factor in a battle. Martian Manhunter has so many mental abilities on display that people often discount how fast he is.

When it comes to flight, J'onn J'onzz’s speed is nearly as fast as Superman or the Flash. This is pretty impressive, considering that they're heroes that are known for their speed and J’onn is not. It’s a great way for him to surprise his opponent.

9 Heat Vision

Martian Manhunter using his Martian Vision

It's always helpful to have unique and creative abilities to turn to in battle, but a great way to throw off an opponent can also be to just mimic their attacks. Martian Manhunter stoops to this level at one point where he develops his own alternative to Superman's heat vision.

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This is particularly helpful because at the time J'onn J'onzz is treated as a foil for Superman and his Justice League. Impressively, J'onn's heat vision is just as strong as Superman's and he's done some heavy damage with the attack.

8 Phasing

Phasing is a skill that's primarily reserved for Speedsters, but thanks to J'onn J'onzz advanced control over his body's molecular makeup, he's also able to vibrate at a level that makes phasing possible. In its most practical sense, phasing can be used to avoid deadly attacks, but Martian Manhunter truly gets the most out of the ability. He'll phase through doors to get into restricted areas or even use the ability as a means of execution under the right circumstances. It’s another versatile skill that makes J’onn nearly unbeatable, even if he doesn’t always make use of it.

7 Bio-Fission and Duplication

There are so many different ways that J'onn J'onzz can manipulate his biology in order to make himself even stronger. J'onn's control over his Green Martian physiology is very important, but he can push this to even greater lengths, like replicating himself to an infinite degree. It's a fantastic way to overpower a crowd and Martian Manhunter can just as easily re-absorb his duplicates and be no worse for wear afterwards. J’onn has never really needed to tests the limits of this ability, but it stands to reason he could build an army of himself if he were so inclined.

6 Martian Vision

Martian Manhunter Glowing Eyes Mars

J'onn J'onzz is such an interesting hero because even when he's completely stationary it still seems as if a ton is going on inside. "Martian Vision" is basically a fancy name for Martian Manhunter's ability to see through the entire electromagnetic spectrum all at once.

Related: All Of Martian Manhunter’s Powers, Ranked

This means that J'onn can see ultraviolet, infrared, and microwave technology, in addition to standard x-ray vision that's even more powerful than Superman's own. It may not always be practical, but it's intimidating to consider how much J'onn is processing at one time.

5 Mental And Visual Manipulation

Martian Manhunter knows how to throw a punch, he’s got great defense, and his agility is nothing to joke about either. Despite all of that, the Martian's real area of expertise is mental and psychic attacks. J'onn J'onzz is capable of hypnosis and telepathy that gives him distinct control over his victim's minds. However, he can push these skills even further and implant elaborate illusions into people's minds. It's a very thorough way to mess with someone, but it indicates just how intense J'onn's hold over his enemies can be.

4 Regenerative Healing Factor

There are many superheroes, a lot of them X-Men, who have advanced healing factors that they put to especially good use. Martian Manhunter is usually so adept in battle he's not pushed to the point of needing to heal himself, but in more dire scenarios he's able to fix his damaged body from barely any remains. Martain Manhunter has survived a decapitation and in one situation he was simply a hand that was able to regenerate the rest of his body. It's another situation where J'onn's control over his body aids him in fantastic ways.

3 Invisibility

Invisibility is a classic superpower, but there's a reason that it's such a sought after skill. It's basic, but the power to be unseen is nothing short of incredible for superheroes. Invisibility is truly the perfect offense and can help a hero outwit their enemy. In the case of Martian Manhunter, this invisibility is incredibly advanced since it stems from J'onn's molecular control over his body. He can just change his cells to camouflage with the environment around him. He’s even able to make this skill work in extreme conditions, like with infrared technology.

2 He Can Increase And Decrease His Size

There's no reason to be ashamed of making use of other characters famous abilities, especially when they're from a whole rival universe of comics. When it comes to size manipulation, people usually think of Ant-Man. However, Martian Manhunter is also able to shrink and grow on a whim, but he doesn't even require the use of Pym Particles. J'onn's skills come entirely down to the versatile nature of his Green Martian biology. This is another tactic that J'onn doesn't usually put into action, but it's interesting that he can just consistently make himself a foot taller if he wants to.

1 Super Breath And Other Enhanced Biology

Martian Manhunter and the rest of his kind have extreme control over their bodies and how they're put together. It's one thing to be able to defend oneself with strength, but the adaptable biology of J'onn J'onzz allows him to be prepared for whatever environment he finds himself in. This is incredibly useful in his journeys across the galaxy to foreign planets. He can access places that many others cannot. J'onn can redistribute his organs however he sees fit, but creating a greater lung capacity and enhanced super breath is one of the best applications of this.

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