WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Power Rangers #2 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Omega Rangers have been making some pretty big sacrifices in the face of some pretty scary odds recently. Aside from leaving their friends, family, and planet behind to travel the stars, they've also gone rogue by kidnapping Lord Drakkon from Zordon's custody. On the run from their friends and heading straight towards their new nemeses, the team is attacked by a new breed of interstellar terror, and Trini, the Yellow Ranger makes what could be the ultimate sacrifice. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have done any good at all.

Not long after getting Drakkon to his new cell aboard the Spectrum II, Trini and the other Omega Rangers are faced with a sudden power outage throughout the entire ship. While trying to fix the problem, Trini discovers a mass of corrosion on a main terminal just before meeting the source of the issue, and from the shadows emerge a group of hulking space vampires. Trini calls for Xi to lock down the level of the ship that she's on, the Rangers all too busy with the same new foes to aid one another.

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It doesn't take long for the Rangers to realize that these mysterious enemies, known as the Horrid, can phase through their attacks, and that gives Trini a "really stupid idea." Surrounded by Horrid in the main shuttle bay, Trini hurls her hammer at her assailants, who phase right through the weapon, allowing it to strike the bay doors behind them.

Trini and the Horrid around her are all torn out of the ship and into the vacuum of space, where she and her attackers are on more equal footing, at least if the Horrid want to be able to maneuver themselves. It's a bad idea that turns out to work pretty well, leaving many of the Horrid adrift, though still not giving Trini any advantage of her own.

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Power Rangers #2 opens with Trini adrift in space, and Jason fighting against what can only be assumed to be the Horrid, as well as ending with the new villains having taken the ship, and its prisoner, as their own. All things considered, it doesn't seem like Trini's plan worked well at all. In fact, it looks like she may have just made the ultimate sacrifice for nothing.

Of course, it's highly unlikely that a tentpole Ranger such as Trini would ever go out this way, so it's almost guaranteed that she'll be recovered in time for the Omega Rangers to find a way to turn things around. Still, it does serve as yet another example of the string of bad decisions that the team has been making lately. Hopefully some guiding force will nudge them in a slightly less damning direction sometime soon.

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