I've previously professed my enthusiasm for dinosaurs in comics, but it certainly bears repeating, just as my enthusiasm for this book bears repeating. Last issue left us hanging as Power Girl and Superman came to the realization that the dinosaurs they were fighting, aside from being alive and rampaging through New York, were not normal dinosaurs. Turns out those dinosaurs are magic dinosaurs!

Superman and Power Girl, both possessing higher than normal intelligence, conclude that magic should be fought with magic, so, naturally, they call upon Zatanna. Except Zee is in need of help herself. Superman and Power Girl rely on help from Zatanna to . . . well, help Zatanna. It's the ultimate, superheroic version of "Help me, help you." Along the way, Judd Winick introduces a new foe that may not have the longevity to stick around as a rogue for Power Girl, but does have enough potential to pop up in the DCU from time to time to cause a ruckus. I could picture him being used in a manner parallel to how Mark Waid would use Team Turmoil in the pages of "The Flash." Those characters were essentially ciphers, but would show up from time to time just to provide punching bags for the Flash as he zoomed through his adventures.

Winick stopped by the CBR Tiki Room to chat with Jonah Weiland and discussed Power Girl quite a bit. One of the topics he discussed is the book's penchant for fun. Winick throws some humor into this issue, as he has all the way along, but in this issue it just seems more playful. Wonderfully, however, Winick doesn't diminish the threats in this issue, as it takes all three heroes to put things right. Following the conclusion of the primeval parade through New York, Winick gives the characters time to interact as characters. Oh, and Power Girl gives Karen Starr a makeover. Yes, you read that right.

Through it all, Basri's art is as lively as it has been the entire run on this title, but in this issue parts of the art trend more towards silly, but that is as the story demands. Basri also opens up more than a few panels in this issue, sacrificing background for character expression and action. Basri and Winick have clearly found a shared wavelength to work together and it shows in this issue (and every one to this point) with good, clean fun. Basri has now delivered eleven consecutive issues (as has Winick) and continues to contribute to the visual tapestry of Power Girl's world.

In the interview with CBR, Weiland defines the fanbase of Power Girl as "smaller, but disproportionately loyal to the character." With Winick and Basri delivering issues like this, fans of this book have had reason to remain loyal. The way this issue closes gives clear indication that we've got a lot to look forward to.