Writer Peter David will undergo in-patient rehabilitation once he's released from the hospital following a stroke he suffered Sunday while on vacation in Florida. However, it's unclear when that will be.

"We are working on the where, how, and who and still awaiting the when," his wife Kathleen wrote Thursday. "And they can’t give us an exact when because a number things have to be in place and Peter’s vitals have to be consistently at a certain level before they will even think of releasing him. Until that happens, we are in a holding pattern.

A comics veteran best known for his work on Aquaman, The Incredible Hulk, Young Justice and X-Factor, Peter David posted on his blog Sunday that he "lost control of the right side of my body," couldn't see properly and was unable to move his right arm and leg. Kathleen later reported doctors determined her husband suffered a small stroke in the pons section of his brain. "We know that a total recovery is slim because damage to the brain doesn’t go away but the brain can be trained to work around the damage and give Peter back what he has lost," she wrote Monday.

"Peter is doing better every day," she offered Thursday. "Yesterday he was able to lift up his right arm by himself and the fingers are coming back a little more every day. He can stand up but still can’t walk and the standing only lasts for so long. His face is even more normal than the day before. And he sat up in a chair for the first time since Saturday which he was very happy about and I was thrilled. The more he can get up, the sooner he gets out and onto the next step of the journey. ... Keep those good thoughts coming. Peter says it is both gratifying and humbling about the number of people who are praying for them and keeping him in their thoughts and he appreciates and is thankful to each and every one of you."