The Mythic Paths of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous encourage players to become epic heroes or nefarious villains, offering 10 options for the central character to choose from based on their calling for greatness. For those light of finger, fleet of foot and keen of intellect, the Trickster Mythic Path is an excellent gateway to becoming a god-like entity with the power to fool -- or make a fool of -- just about anyone who crosses their path.

If life itself were left to the chance of a lucky die roll, the Trickster would be the one casting that die, manipulating it to turn in their favor. They are the life of every party, the force behind all that seems to be going right or wrong. With a wide array of tricks up their sleeve, they have a list of abilities that beckon any and all who like to provoke chaos and bask in its glorious rewards.

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What Are Tricksters In Pathfinder?

Wrath of the Righteous Trickster Path

Rogues are an incredibly fun class to play because they use wit, ingenuity and the element of surprise to manipulate and deceive others to their own benefit. These stealth-based characters have been a staple of games like Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder since their inception. While they may not always make the most honest choices, they put their skills to use in ways that encourage their party to overlook most of their questionable actions.

Tricksters are Rogues with almost god-like abilities that allow them to pull off epic deceptions and manipulations. For an appropriate comparison, think of Norse mythology and Marvel Comics' Loki. No matter what the Trickster's deceit is, they are having the time of their life while manipulating the strings of fate to ensure that, no matter the circumstances or cost, they will come out on top. These masters of trickery and deceit combine their extensive knowledge of lore with the arcane to pull off epic heists the likes of which others only dream.

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How to Become a Trickster in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Trickster Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Unlocking the Trickster Mythic Path requires a bit of wisdom and cunning to unearth a lie and convince the liars of the player's superiority. Travel to the Blackwing Library in the City of Kenabres, where you'll find a group of cultists in the library posing as crusaders. With a Perception check of 17 and a Lore Religion check of 15, the player will discover the truth about their deception.

Convince the cultists that the player is their superior. This discovery, along with manipulating the cultists into fighting each other, unlocks the Mythic Path. Do not fight the cultists, as this locks the Trickster Mythic Path. With the path embraced, chaos will follow wherever the Trickster goes, which is a good thing.

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The Benefits of Becoming a Trickster

Trickster Mythic Path Wrath of the Righteous

As if traveling through the chaos with the knowledge of one's own superior wit isn't enough, Tricksters gain a number of benefits that make it more than worth walking this wild path. One intriguing benefit for the Trickster is that they can't roll a natural one as, whenever they do, the roll will be changed to a natural 20.

Tricksters have access to a multitude of Mythic Tricks that allow them to do everything from become so stealthy they're basically invisible to understanding religion with such proficiency they rival Clerics in their abilities. Advancing their ability to disarm magical effects works in much the same way as the spell Dispell Magic, growing to target multiple effects and eventually allowing them to disable living creatures, forcing them to make a Fortitude saving throw. If they fail the save, they automatically die.

The Trickster's powers of Persuasion are so epic that even the thought of battling one is enough to demoralize enemies, impacting them with negative effects. As this power progresses, enemies lose any will to fight and must succeed on a Will saving throw against the Trickster's Persuasion. In its most powerful rank, creatures lose their will to live and will actually be forced to perform a coup de grace on themselves if they lose a Will saving throw against the demoralizing ability.

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The Trickster's Spells & Mythic Abilities

Pathfinder Trickster

Tricksters also have a number of beneficial Mythic Spells that are as hilarious as they are dangerous. For example, they can summon things like Beer Elementals, Fish Missiles, a Perpetually Annoyed Wizard and a Hog of Desolation. They can charm anything or anyone to fight for them as if they were always allies or create an extra-dimensional Recreation Pit for their allies to relax and heal up when the fight goes sideways.

Tricksters can give their enemies a Bear's Grace, forcing them to lose -8 to their Dexterity or shrink them to microscopic proportions. While that's definitely good for things like crushing them under boots, they'd have to be caught first, and with a +6 size bonus to their Dexterity score, that might not be as easy as it sounds. They can also buff their allies by causing a Glorious Beard to erupt from their face to provide a +2 natural armor bonus or trick their dice rolls for three rounds, turning every d20 roll into a natural 20.

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Mythic Abilities allow Tricksters to hone their attacks perfectly with Sneak Attack and deal extra damage. They can also pull a Sneaky Quack, which allows them to heal their allies in much the same way they would dole out extra damage during Sneak Attacks. They can also summon a wide variety of powerful monsters to fight alongside them in battle, like Bogeymen, Vilderavns and Nixie Pranksters. Their summons may also bring about members of the Wild Hunt, including archers, scouts and a monarch, or they can summon an entire Wild Hunt Battle party to attack enemies to the best of their ability.

Finally, Tricksters can adopt Mythic Abilities like Bit of Fun, which allows them to make three illusionary copies of themselves to terrorize and taunt enemies, drawing them away from the caster. There's also Best Jokes, which enhances their Hideous Laughter spell to target additional enemies in an ongoing chain that doesn't stop until they succeed on a saving throw.

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