Fans of One Punch Man know that speed kills almost as much as sheer strength. The most potent characters move faster than the eye can follow, appearing behind their enemy before they have time to think.

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The franchise has introduced heroes and villains capable of moving faster than the speed of sound. These characters are so fast that blinking can be a fatal mistake and this his has resulted in fierce debate amongst fans over which Hero or Monster is the fastest.  From cyborgs to ninjas, aliens to insects, inhuman speed is demonstrated throughout the show by a diverse set of characters. But who can truly claim to be the fastest of them all?

10 Genos

Genos from One Punch Man charging up for an Incineration Cannon

At the start of the series, Genos would not have made the list. However, due to the various upgrades he received and his training from Saitama, the cyborg is now a powerful and worthy hero. Genos is almost always in action so fans are aware of the extent of his abilities. In his battle with Speed-O-Sound Sonic, a ninja known for his speed, Genos was able to keep up for the majority of the battle. Always willing to confront monsters, Saitama's disciple has recorded numerous victories and his elite speed always played a part.

9 Awakened Cockroach


Demon-level threat Awakened Cockroach was an extremely powerful member of the Monster Association who could physically compete with some S-Class Heroes. During his fight with Genos, the monster proved to be incredibly fast, keeping up with the fully upgraded G4 cyborg. This immense speed could be attributed to his inhuman sense, with Awakened Cockroach claiming his body has evolved to the point where he could sense attacks in advance. Or maybe it was the fact that he had six legs. Whatever the reason, Awakened Cockroach was a monster not to be messed with.

8 Speed-O-Sonic Sound

Speed-O-Sound Sonic with his Ninja Mask on

A proud and disciplined Ninja, Speed-O-Sonic Sound lives up to his name. Hailing from the same Ninja village as fellow speedster Flashy Flash, the anti-hero overwhelms his opponents with exceptional speed and reflexes. He effortlessly dodged the blows of the Demon-level monster Deep Sea King and created afterimages of himself when battling Genos. His speed combined with his mastery of the ninja arts puts his power level on par with a number of S-Class heroes, with the creator of One Punch Man stating that Sonic is faster than beloved hero Metal Bat.

7 Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki insults Saitama in One-Punch Man.

Tatsumaki, also known as Tornado Of Terror, is the S-Class Rank 2 Hero of the Hero Association and the world's most powerful esper. Armed with an array of psychic abilities, Tatsumaki can destroy dragon-level threats with little effort. However, when fans think of the hero, they don't always consider her speed. But throughout One Punch Man, the esper dodged missiles fired from an alien spacecraft, avoided Monster King Orochi's attacks, and effortlessly kept up with Speed-O-Sonic. Blessed with immense psychic and physical powers, she is feared by monsters and heroes alike.

6 Atomic Samurai

Atomic Samurai fighting aliens One-Punch Man

Atomic Samurai, real name Kamikaze (just as cool), is the S-Class Rank 4 hero of the Hero Association. He is respected by all Heroes and feared by most Monsters. The martial Arts Master is often labeled as the greatest swordsman in the One Punch Man universe and can cut villains down before they're even aware he has drawn his sword. His speed and reflexes are inhuman, with Speed-O-Sonic unable to keep up with his moves.

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Atomic Samurai has defeated Dragon-Level threats with the speed of his sword, showing fans that he is on a completely different level.

5 Bang

Anime Silver Fang holding a blue ball One-Punch Man

Arguably the greatest martial artist in the One Punch Man universe, Bang is the 3rd highest-ranking member of the Hero Association who can solo Dragon-level threats. Bang's extreme speed is just one of many reasons why he is a successful hero. Atomic Samurai couldn't believe how fast Bang was, despite himself being one of the fastest heroes. He saved Genos from Elder Centipede and overwhelmed his former pupil Garou with his speed. Bang is capable of all this despite his advanced age and fans can't help but wonder what the hero was capable of in his prime.

4 Flashy Flash


A highly skilled ninja and member of the same village as Speed-O-Sonic Sound, Flashy Flash is the S-Class Rank 13 hero of the Hero Association. He is arguably the fastest member of the Association and can take down multiple dragon-level threats, something only a handful of S-Class heroes are capable of. Fans of the Manga and Webcomic know just how devastatingly quick Flashy Flash is as he took down Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind, two-dragon level threats that hailed from the same Ninja village as the hero. His speed is so great that Saitama has been impressed by the hero.

3 Boros

boros one punch man

The Alien God who needed a thrill, fans of the anime were introduced to this monster at the end of season one. Boros was experiencing a life crisis, unable to find someone worthy to fight. The desire to find someone strong enough led him to earth, where he encountered Saitama.

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The two engaged in battle, with Boros demonstrating his outrageous speed. During the fight, the villain matched Saitama, whilst other heroes watching from the ground were unable to follow his movements. At the battle's conclusion, Saitama acknowledged Boros as the strongest opponent he ever faced.

2 Garou

Garou from One-Punch Man

Like Genos, Garou has gone through a number of transformations, resulting in an increase in power and speed. Garou has always been immensely strong, learning under Bang and becoming the hero's best pupil. However, over time the self-proclaimed 'Hero Hunter' experienced an awakening of his true power, resulting in Garou reaching a level far beyond most characters. Prior to his power-up, Garou dodged bullets and overwhelmed Metal Bat with his speed. Following his awakening, the martial artist avoided the attacks of Monster King Orochi and created after images of himself. Despite being human, he is viewed as a true threat to the Hero Association.

1 Saitama

One Punch Man Saitama Punches

Who else? As the main protagonist of the show, Saitama stands above all. Despite looking like your average joe, the Caped Baldy is stronger, faster, and just better than anyone else in the series. Just how fast is he? Well, he has outperformed almost every character on this list. Saitama has dodged the sword swings of Flashy Flash, kept up with Speed-O-Sonic Sound without much effort, and traveled to the moon and back in seconds. Characters like Boros and Garou are capable of destroying cities in an instance, but they're still no match for Saitama.

NEXT: One Punch Man: 10 Things About Flashy Flash That Make No Sense