Eiichiro Oda has promised One Piece fans that the Wano arc is going to be even greater than that of the Marineford. For sure, this is one of the most anticipated arcs in the whole franchise, especially when the mangaka himself promised to reveal many secrets by the end of it.

RELATED: One Piece: 10 Best Characters Introduced In Wano So Far

Fans are super hyped for this arc in particular since a great war is upon the horizon. It will be a war that includes not only the Straw Hats, along with their new member Jinbe, but also two emperors of the sea, six members of the Worst Generation, the Minks, the Samurai, and Marco the phoenix. This upcoming war will shake the balance of the world and set the Straw Hats on the Pirate King’s path, and fans have plenty of theories for it.

10 Zoro’s Origins Are From Wano

Zoro in Wano

At the very beginning of the story, Oda revealed neither the origins of Zoro nor his parents’ identity. Oda will likely shock his fans the same way he did with Sanji. However, this theory suggests that Zoro’s story is not as dark as that of Sanji.

It is believed that the Wano arc is the one where Zoro will shine the most. For this, a backstory on his origins and parents is needed. Therefore, this theory makes the case that Zoro’s parents are actually from Wano. Due to some unknown circumstances, they either sailed aboard a ship or sent their kid on one. This narrative is very likely since other samurai including Oden, Kiku, and Ryuma already got out of Wano.

9 Brook Beats Apoo

Brook from One Piece

Scratchmen Apoo is one of the Worst Generation brats that troubled the World Government in Sabaody Island, and now, he is an underling of Kaido. Apoo is originally from the Longarm tribe, and he uses a flute to make sound attacks. As it has been shown, he is a tough opponent to deal with, but not invincible.

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Brook is not only a music master, but he is also a very capable swordsman. In his last battle, brook stood toe to toe against the Emperor of the Sea, Big Mom, and managed to hurt Zeus. In a one-on-one fight against the Soul King Brook, Apoo does not stand a chance.

8 Yamato Will Join The Crew

yamato one piece

Manga fans have discovered that Kaido has a daughter named Yamato who hates him. Yamato calls herself Kozuki Oden because she admires Oden’s personality, courage, and strength. For that, she committed herself to train hard and hold the Kozuki flag.

RELATED: One Piece: 10 Things Fans Already Love About Yamato

It is unlikely that Yamato will become the Shogun of Wano after the big war since Momonosuke Oden, the rightful successor, is still alive. However, Yamato will become Wano’s protector for Oden’s sake. However, since Oda loves repeating history, this theory states that Yamato will sail aboard the Thousands Sunny, exactly like how Oden sailed with the Pirate King, Roger.

7 Wano Will Be Under The Protection Of The Straw Hats

Wano Country capital- One Piece

The end of the Wano arc is marked by a tremendous war between the Straw Hats, two emperors of the sea, six members of the Worst Generation, the Minks, the Samurai, and Marco the phoenix. After this war, it is highly anticipated that Wano will be under the protection of Luffy if they win the war.

Since the Straw Hats and the samurai have joined their forces, the relationship between them has deepened more and more. The Kozuki Clan will rule once again and open the Wano country. However, Kaido is not the only one who is interested in the craftsmanship of Wano. Therefore, the samurai must keep their alliance with the Straw Hats to protect their country.

6 Luffy Will Become An Emperor Of The Sea

monkey d. luffy one piece

Luffy has already been announced the fifth emperor of the sea after the Big Mom arc. The journalist Morgan who witnessed the wedding ceremony and its repercussions believed in Straw Hat Luffy’s capabilities.

However, in that arc, Luffy did not beat Big Mom at all. Rather, he only made big trouble. Compared to that, Luffy will fight both Kaido and Big Mom and their fleets in Wano. When Luffy will get out of this fight victorious, he will definitely be considered as a real emperor of the sea.

5 The Straw Hats Will Obtain The 3rd Road Poneglyph

Luffy and a Red Poneglyph

The plot has revealed a new type of Poneglyphes in Zou, road Poneglyphes. These four old red stones are important markers that pinpoint the location of the final island “Laugh Tale.” The Straw Hats already had a glance on the road Poneglyph that exists in Zou, and they managed to steal the blueprints of the one Big Mom has.

The third road Poneglyph belongs to Kaido who is the next opponent of the Straw Hats. For them to continue the pirate king journey, it is a priority that they get their hands on it or at least steal a blueprint of it.

4 Marco The Phoenix Will Join The Crew

Marco The Phoenix blue flames One Piece

Marco was the first commander of the Grand Whitebeard Pirate Fleet. After the death of Whitebeard, the fleet got separated and its crewmembers went on running their errands. Marco gathered the remnants of his crew and faced Blackbeard to take revenge.

However, Marco lost both his battles against Blackbeard and ended up off the radars on a small Island. To face Kaido, the minks brought Marco to help them in their fight. There is no denying how powerful Marco is. And with no crew or purpose for him right now, there is a high chance for Marco to join the Straw Hats.

3 Luffy Will Meet His Father Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon Cropped

Monkey D. Dragon is one of the most mysterious characters of One Piece. Up to this day, no accounts have shown detailed info about him nor his relationship with his son. Nevertheless, after the Wano arc, the balance of the whole world will change. Therefore, Dragon, with his revolutionary army, must make a move.

The Reverie arc displayed a secret mission of the revolutionary army in Marry Geoise, while fans witnessed the destruction of Dragon’s empty base. It is safe to assume that Dragon is already on the move right now. That move may eventually lead him to meet the next emperor of the sea, Monkey D. Luffy.

2 Zoro Will Beat Queen, While Sanji Will Beat King

Zoro and Sanji in One Piece

One Piece fans are already accustomed to the fact that Zoro is much stronger than Sanji. Viewers are familiar with the repetitive plot of Zoro defeating the strongest underlying of their opponent while Sanji defeats the second best. However, things will change in this arc.

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King is the strongest All-Star who has a Pteranodon Dragon Devil Fruit. He is a specialist in air attacks which makes it hard for Zoro to keep up with compared to Sanji. On the other hand, Queen the plague is the second-best All-Star with a Brachiosaurus Dragon Devil Fruit. His brutality and power make him a great candidate for Zoro to test out his new sword, “the Enma.”

1 Cp0 Making Their Move In Wano

rob lucci cp0 One Piece

Cp0 is a World Governmental Body that is much like the secret services. Their main mission is to investigate different situations in blacked-out countries. Like in Dressrosa, Cp0 members have been examined in Wano, although this country is not part of the World Government Assembly.

Being one of the major players in One Piece, the World Government is for sure interested in the situation inside Wano. However, Cp0 is more likely to be investigating Wano because of the existence of one of the Road Poneglyphes in it. When the situation will heat up, the Cp0 will make a move toward the Road Poneglyph.

NEXT: One Piece: 5 Reddit Fan Theories About One Piece That Are Crazy (& 5 That Just Might Be True)