The story of One Piece is undoubtedly one of the most impressive in anime history, and with each passing year, the scale of the long-running series grows a bit larger. Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates have traveled to dozens of islands during their time as a crew, introducing hundreds of named characters to the series' cast in the process.

While most of the characters that appear in One Piece are humans, there are plenty of powerful non-human characters that also play a major role in the pirate world. Between the Giants, Dwarves, Fish-men, and other races that decorate the Grand Line, some non-humans could even go toe-to-toe with Monkey D. Luffy in a fight.

Updated on January 29, 2023, by Kennedy King: With One Piece now firmly in its Egghead Arc, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew are finally traveling to a new island for the first time in four years. This should set them up to meet a brand-new batch of characters, many of whom could be non-human. As a result, this list has been updated to reflect the most up-to-date information about the topic.

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One Piece: 15 Luffy Quotes that Still Inspire Us
With that reputation, it would seem unlikely for this guy to be waltzing around with words of wisdom, correct? Don't underestimate him.

15 Leo Leads The Fifth Ship Of The Straw Hat Grand Fleet



First Appearance

Episode 640



When the term ‘dwarf’ is mentioned, the first thing that usually comes to mind for fans is the short, muscular beings seen in stereotypical fantasy settings like The Lord of the Rings. On the other hand, One Piece tackles the mythical race of dwarves very differently, as seen during the introduction of Leo and the Tontotta tribe in the Dressrosa Arc.

Leo is a member of the Tontatta tribe, a dwarven group that resides in Green Bit. Despite his diminutive stature, Leo plays a fairly notable role in the Straw Hat Pirates' defeat of Donquixote Doflmingo thanks to his Stitch-Stitch Devil Fruit, so he is eventually brought into the Straw Hat Grand Fleet as the captain of the group's fifth ship.

14 Hajrudin Wields The Power Of Elbaf

Hajrudin One Piece



First Appearance

Episode 639



Read Our Review
One Piece: 10 Best Characters in the Marineford Arc
The Marineford arc centered around The War of the Best, and its participants lived up to that name.

Monkey D. Luffy's crew — and especially the Straw Hat Grand Fleet — are one of the most diverse pirate groups in all of One Piece. Among the ranks of Luffy's ardent followers are skeletons, cyborgs, dwarves, and giants, one of whom was strong enough to serve as the captain of his own crew in the New World.

Currently, Hajrudin is one of the few named giants introduced to the main storyline of One Piece. He first encounters Luffy during the tournament for the Flame-Flame Fruit, but after being impressed by Luffy's exploits during the events of the Dressrosa Arc, he pledges himself to Luffy and his crew. While it's unknown if the giant possesses any type of Haki, his overwhelming strength is more than enough to intimidate most pirates.

13 Hody Jones Destroyed His Body For Temporary Power

Hody Jones, the primary antagonist of One Piece's Fishman Island arc



First Appearance

Episode 527



Hody Jones is a shark-type fish-man and the main antagonist of the Fish-man Island Arc. While Hody's raw strength isn't enough for him to take over Fish-man Island, he eventually bolsters the strength of himself and his crew by acquiring the dangerous performance-enhancing drug known as Energy Steroids.

Hody Jones is one of the weaker enemies that Monkey D. Luffy faces in One Piece post-timeskip; however, thanks to the advantage of his terrain and his Energy Steroids, he almost defeats the Straw Hat Pirates when they face off. In the right circumstances, Jones stands a chance against all but the sea's most powerful warriors.

12 Tony Tony Chopper Is Consistently Undervalued As A Fighter



First Appearance

Episode 81



Tony Tony Chopper is arguably one of the most unique characters in the history of One Piece. The Straw Hat Pirates' doctor is born as a regular reindeer, but after he consumes the Human-Human Fruit, he becomes a unique hybrid between the two species.

Even though Chopper has the lowest bounty of any major character in One Piece, he's slowly become a fairly notable threat in combat. His mastery of Monster Point and his other transformations helped him challenge many of the strongest fighters in the Wano Country Arc, proving his worth as a New World pirate.

11 Kawamatsu Serves The People Of Wano In Oden's Honor

Kawamatsu during the events of One Piece



First Appearance

Episode 910



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Eiichiro Oda's 6 Best Works That Aren't One Piece, Ranked
Eiichiro Oda's One Piece is one of the most famous mangas of all time, but these are his 6 best works besides that iconic series, ranked.

The land of Wano is first mentioned shortly after the Straw Hat Pirates enter the Grand Line, so when Luffy and his crew finally arrive on the island, they are keenly aware of how strong its inhabitants are. Many of One Piece's strongest non-human characters reside in Wano Country, including Kawamatsu — one of the members of Kozuki Oden's Nine Red Scabbards.

As a member of Oden's trusted inner circle, Kawamatsu does his best to protect the people of Wano. Thanks to his advanced Armament Haki and skills as a swordsman, he ends up being a major help to the Straw Hat Pirates during the Raid on Onigashima.

10 Carrot's Sulong Form Makes Her A Legitimate Threat In The New World



First Appearance

Episode 753



Much like the rest of the Mink Tribe, Carrot first appears during the Zou Arc, and within only a few episodes, she becomes the Straw Hat Pirates' next companion. The rabbit Mink is only fifteen years old, but thanks to her Sulong form, she ends up being one of the most surprisingly powerful non-humans in One Piece.

After spending over 300 episodes alongside the Straw Hat Pirates, Carrot finally leaves the crew's side at the end of the Wano Country Arc to fulfill her brand-new role as leader of the Mink Tribe. With an all-out war against the World Government looming on the horizon, the tribe's strength could end up being a determining factor in One Piece's final saga.

9 Little Oars Jr. Nearly Changed The Tides Of The Summit War

Oars jr intimidating stare in One Piece



First Appearance

Episode 463



When it comes to pirates, few are larger than the Whitebeard Pirates' resident giant, Little Oars Jr. The massive creature is the descendant of Oars — a deceased, even larger giant whose corpse appears in the Thriller Bark Arc. Although Little Oars Jr. is less powerful than his infamous ancestor, he proves during the Marineford Arc that he is a handful for all but the strongest Marines.

Enraged by the impending execution of his friend and crewmate, Portgas D. Ace, Little Oars Jr. springs to action during the Summit War and dispatches a slew of high-ranking Marines on his way to the execution platform. With a bit more planning, the oversized giant could go toe-to-toe with almost all of the Grand Line's non-human fighters.

8 Enel Possess An Overpowered Devil Fruit And Massive Amounts Of Talent

Enel wielding the maximum powers of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit during the Skypiea arc in One Piece.



First Appearance

Episode 167



At first glance, it's easy to mistake Enel for a human like most of the other characters that appear in One Piece. However, as a resident of Sky Island — and, more specifically, a member of the Birkan race — Enel has a significantly different physiology than any human, allowing him to perform incredible feats like traveling to the Moon.

Enel's natural strength is amplified by his Logia-type Devil Fruit, which is arguably one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in all of One Piece. Should he return to the narrative in the series' final saga, he's almost guaranteed to be on a similar level as the New World's strongest fighters.

7 Nekomamushi And Inuarashi Are The Pinnacle Of Mink Strength

Inuarashi And Nekomamushi



First Appearance

Episode 756



Nekomamushi and Inuarashi are two distinct characters, but in virtually every instance they appear in One Piece, they are presented as complete and total equals. The pair of powerful Minks are the leaders of Mokomo Dukedom when they first appear in the series, although they have since ceded this title to Carrot.

In addition to being the former leaders of Mokomo Dukedom, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi also pledged their swords to Kozuki Oden as part of the Nine Red Scabbards. This eventually led them to enter the battle against Kaido during the Raid on Onigashima, proving that they can compete against monstrous opponents when they work together.

6 Jinbe Earned His Spot As A Warlord Of The Sea



First Appearance

Episode 430



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The One Piece Anime Made Some Changes Due to Fan Backlash - Here's Why
The anime adaptation of One Piece has seen many changes over the years, but the most recent change due to backlash has many fans rejoicing.

Jinbe, the newest addition to the Straw Hat Pirates and an avid supporter of Luffy’s ambition, is a major figure in the Grand Line. The First Son of the Sea made a name for himself as part of Fisher Tiger's crew, and since then, he has become a Warlord of the Sea, escaped Impel Down, and served under two different Emperors of the Sea.

Currently, Jinbe is one of the strongest fish-men of all time, as indicated by his bounty, which now exceeds one billion Berries. His blend of Fish-man Karate, impressive Haki, and quick thinking even helped him defeat Who's Who, a former member of Cipher Pol and one of Kaido's strongest subordinates.

5 Jack The Draught Helps Lead One Of The Most Feared Crews In The Grand Line



First Appearance

Episode 746



Jack The Draught is one of Kaido’s trusted allies, and alongside King the Wildfire and Queen the Plague, he leads the Beast Pirates as one of its three All-Stars. While his mammoth-like appearance may be deceiving, the notorious pirate is arguably the strongest fish-man in history.

As one of Kaido's most trusted subordinates, Jack the Drought strikes fear throughout the Grand Line. Though his Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit has stripped him of the water-related benefits associated with Fish-men, his raw strength and battle experience are more than enough to qualify him as one of the strongest non-humans in One Piece.

4 Sanjuan Wolf Towers Over Almost Every Other Character In One Piece

sanjuan wolf gigantifying himself in impel down One Piece



First Appearance

Episode 484



Throughout the events of One Piece, a sinister group continues to grow in strength as it cultivates ideas of usurping the stability of the Grand Line. This group is none other than the Blackbeard Pirates, which features a variety of heinous criminals such as the infamous giant, Sanjuan Wolf.

Even compared to the other giants in One Piece, Sanjuan Wolf seems impossibly large. He dwarfs characters like Little Oars Jr., and even without the assistance of Haki or other similar techniques, he's almost certainly strong enough to level entire islands.

3 King The Wildfire Is The Last Of A Dying Breed

King the Wildfire in Wano in One Piece.



First Appearance

Episode 910



The Beast Pirates are led by Kaido, but on almost any other pirate crew, King the Wildfire would be the captain. As evidenced throughout the Wano Country Arc, the Lunarian possesses a host of powerful abilities, many of which directly stem from his unique DNA.

In addition to an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit and tremendous Haki, King the Wildfire can generate flames thanks to his Lunarian genetics, giving him multiple ways to take down the Grand Line's other top pirates. Were it not for Roronoa Zoro's ability to harness Conqueror's Haki, then King may have very well been the difference in the Raid on Onigashima.

2 Zunesha's Sheer Size Makes Them Almost Invincible

Zunesha/Zou One Piece rampaging in One Piece


Naitamie-Norida Elephant

First Appearance

Episode 751


1000+ years

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All 9 Blades Wielded By Roronoa Zoro In One Piece
Roronoa Zoro is one of the most prominent swordsmen in One Piece, and he’s used many powerful blades throughout his piratical journey.

In the world of One Piece, there is no larger creature than the Naitamie-Norida elephant that roams the seas, Zunesha. At over 20 miles tall, Zunesha is big enough to roam the oceans of the Grand Line without having to worry about Sea Kings, pirates, or any other enemies attacking it.

While Zunesha is currently unable to defend itself unless commanded by someone with the Voice of All Things, the elephant easily dispatches Jack the Drought after being told to do so. Assuming it is once again granted free will, it will be an incredibly important ally to Luffy and his allies.

1 Kaido Is The World's Strongest Creature



First Appearance

Episode 736



Given Kaido's former status as an Emperor of the Sea, there's no denying that he's one of the strongest individuals to ever set foot on the Grand Line. The captain of the Beast Pirates possesses an advanced mastery of every type of Haki, an unbelievably strong Devil Fruit, and, if his title as the World's Strongest Creature is to be believed, the benefit of non-human genetics.

It should be noted that Kaido's race is still completely unknown, but based on his unique appearance, massive size, and strange moniker, it feels like a safe assumption that he's not completely human. Hopefully, his backstory will be further explored in the inevitable flashback about the Rocks Pirates; however, for now, fans will have to settle for his status as the strongest non-human character in One Piece history.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sani, Robin, Chopper, Brook, Frankyand Jimbei in One Piece Egg-Head Arc poster
One Piece

Follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew in order to find the greatest treasure ever left by the legendary Pirate, Gold Roger. The famous mystery treasure named "One Piece".

Mayumi Tanaka , Akemi Okamura , Laurent Vernin , Tony Beck , Kazuya Nakai
Production Company
Toei Animation
Release Date
October 20, 1999
Eiichirô Oda
Main Genre
Number of Episodes